Most states recognize your spouseas a medical decision-maker if you become incapacitated and don’t have a medical power of attorney in place. Your parents or adult children may be contacted if you don't have a spouse. In extreme cases,...
In most cases, a power of attorney is created in response to a specific need, such as selling a piece of property. Certain types of POAs, such as medical power of attorney, can be created as soon as you turn 18 and your parents or guardians no longer have the power to make healthcar...
The sudden death syndrome does not occur in South America, and its pathogenesis is unclear. Only Phalaris staggers are reported in South America (Riet-Correa et al., 1993; Gava et al., 1999; Cantón et al., 2010; Odriozola, 2011). The acute form is the most commonly diagnosed in ...
You reside in or are planning to move into a community care facility You are getting older or have declining health Regardless of whether this New York Medical Power of Attorney is being created as a result of an emergency or as part of a long-term plan, notarization and/or witnesses can...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 3.Sexual and asexual reproduction in flowering plants. (a) megaspore mother cell (MMC) or megasporocyte (female meiocyte), (b) functional megaspore, (c) non-functional megaspore, (d) mature pollen grain, (e) mature megagametophyte, (f) mature...
The term “power of attorney” refers to both the legal document that designates the agent and their duties, as well as the agent who will act as your POA. For example, you might hear, “My sister is my power of attorney in this matter.” When do you need a power of attorney? A ...
Parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder in particular are often aware of scientific issues, and their expertise and desire for a medical cure for autism sometimes put them at odds with the medical team. We investigated the role of parents and advocates in autism research and ...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 3. (A) Extravaginal tillers in Melica macra Nees; (B) intravaginal tiller in Bromus catharticus Vahl. Abbreviations: ln, leaf of tillers of the successive order; ln.n, leaves in each tiller; pf, prophyll. Types of shoots Grasses may be strictl...
While fouling boats and underwater structures is of nuisance value, the full ecological impact of Undaria pinnatifida in these new habitats is hard to predict, as the species is a very recent invader in foreign waters, is mostly confined to highly modified habitats in harbors, and initially pre...