Sign in to download full-size image Figure 8. Praying mantis.Photo by permission of Candy McNamee, USA. Predaceous fungi fungi which can form special structures such as constricting mycelia rings, adhesive networks, or pegs, enabling them to entrap, invade, and kill a prey (Figure 9). Sign...
The growth form (e.g., ground creeper, prostrate shrub, tall shrub, liane) of Lantana camara is equally plastic, varying with light and soil conditions, but with support plants can reach 15 m into the canopy. The species currently grows in many countries between 45° N and 45° S, but...
Poales species grow in almost all habitat, from the tropics to the polar regions, from sea level to the highest altitudes, from aquatic habitats to deserts. Some can form extensive stands and dominate entire ecosystems (savannas, steppes, prairies, wetlands), especially grasses, sedges, rushes ...
In some species, such as Leptochloa chloridiformis, and others with enrichment axes in the long internode zone, both types of prophylls are present: there is a short prophyll and several cataphylls in the basal shoots and a long prophyll and true leaves in the upper shoots (Perreta et ...