美国在签订POA时,为了保证进口商不是空壳公司且身份未被冒领,还需提供部分验证文件进行验证,通常我们在实际签订POA的过程中,提供的被认可的文件类型有:美国公司的IRS表格(目前认可度最高的是SS-4)以及美国的社会保障卡、护照、驾照的扫描件等;非美国公司的营业执照副本及法人身份证、护照的扫描件等。 美国海关(CBP...
Parallels Operations Automation,并行操作自动化,一般用于大工业生产?
What is a POA and why do I need it for my shipment? Find out everything you need to know right here.
A spouse who is near the same age as the person creating the POA may come to suffer the same debilities that led the POA’s creator to establish the POA in the first place. A child who is honest, capable, and who respects the parent’s desires can be a good choice for an agent ...
Act as a grantor of any bond required for importing What does a POA Include? __A POA generally includes the following:- __ The name of the business of the importer The entire address of the importer The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) number of the business A declaration stating that the...
IRS does not require the taxpayer to use the same depreciation method. Many companies use straight-line deprecation in their financial statements in order to maximize net income, and they use a special accelerated-depreciation method on their tax returns in order to minimize their income taxes. ...
POA:律师授权书( Power of Attorney,POA)按照字面意思了解,就是你出具一份文件,授权律师帮你做cao...
Plan of Action,你是做亚马逊的吗?
people of american 美国人民