grass image by Thomas Quinlan Poa annua, also known as annual Bluegrass, is an invasive weed that is difficult to kill or control. One reason is that it produces many of seeds that, even when mowed low, can remain viable for many seasons and sprout years after you thought...
Ecological studies of Poa annua populations in turf using the core sampling method conducted over a period of several years showed that Poa annua was able to produce seed under frequent mowing at 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch. The population the second winter after seeding into Bermuda Grass turf ...
BERMUDA grassMOWINGBLUEGRASSES (Plants)WEED controlHERBICIDESHERBICIDE resistanceCOST controlFraise mowing is a maintenance practice that may serve as a non-chemical means of controlling the problematic weed annual bluegrass ( Poa annua L.) in bermudagrass ( Cynodon spp.) given reports of efficacy on...