Molar Mass: 452.8027Sr3(PO4)2 Molar Mass Converter Weight: Mole: Sr3(PO4)2 Molar Mass Conversion in Batch Weight: Mole: Elem. Name Total AtomicMass MassSr Strontium 3(23.08%) 87.62 262.86(58.052%)P Phosphorus 2(15.38%) 30.97 61.94(13.679%)...
Na2SNO2 Recently Calculated Molar Masses Find the Molar Mass of Mo(PO4)2Step-by-Step There are 4 easy steps to find the molar mass of Mo(PO4)2 based on its chemical formula. 1. Count The Number of Each Atom The first step to finding the molar mass is to count the number of each...
The molar mass and molecular weight of Ni(PO4)2 is 248.636. Convert Ni(PO4)2 From Moles to Grams Moles mol Convert to Grams and Molecules Convert Ni(PO4)2 From Grams to Moles and Molecules Weight g Convert to Moles Composition of Ni(PO4)2 ElementSymbolAtomic Mass# of AtomsMass ...
Molar Mass: 354.7569» Mn3(PO4)2 Mass Concentration to Molar Concentration ConverterMn3(PO4)2 Molar Mass Converter Weight: Mole: Mn3(PO4)2 Molar Mass Conversion in Batch Weight: Mole: Elem. Name Total AtomicMass MassMn Manganese 3(23.08%) 54.94 164.82(46.46%)...
Co3(PO4)2的摩尔质量和分子量为{1,数字}。 由磷酸钴- Co3(PO4)2组成 元素标志原子质量原子#质量百分比 鈷Co176.7996 g/mol348.2081% 磷P61.9475 g/mol216.8913% 氧O127.9952 g/mol834.9006% 磷酸钴 元素 质量百分比鈷176.8g鈷176.8g氧127.995g氧127.995g磷61.9475g磷61.9475gCo3(PO4)2 原子#氧8氧8鈷3...
磷酸氢二铵 元素 质量百分比氧63.9976g氧63.9976g磷30.9738g磷30.9738g氮28.0134g氮28.0134g氫9.0715g氫9.0715g(NH4)2HPO4 原子#氫9氫9氧4氧4氮2氮2磷1磷1 🛠️ 计算摩尔质量 指令 这个程序决定一种物质的分子量。输入物质的分子式,它将计算出元素的组合物和质量的化合物中的每个元素的总质量。
物质的摩尔质量计算结果:分子式: Mg3(PO4)2摩尔质量: 262.855 g/mol 1g=3.80437884004489E-03 mol各种元素摩尔质量百分比:元素 数量 相对原子质量 百分比Mg 3 24.305 27.74%P 2 30.974 23.57%O 8 15.999 48.69%热门应用: 物质的摩尔质量的计算 分子式: HCl...
3BeO.Al2O3.6SiO2= (BeO)3.Al2O3.6SiO2物质的摩尔质量计算结果:分子式: (NH4)3PO412MoO3摩尔质量: 6820.6148 g/mol 1g=1.46614349193272E-04 mol各种元素摩尔质量百分比:元素 数量 相对原子质量 百分比N 3 14.007 0.62%H 12 1.0079 0.18%P 1 30.974 0.45%O 415 15.999 97.35%Mo 1 95.94 1.41%热门...
The Ag2WO4/Ag3PO4 heterojunction containing 7.5% molar mass of WO42- (7.5W) displayed the most superior photocatalytic efficiency under simulated solar light irradiation: 93% of bisphenol A was degraded just within 10 min and above 75% was mineralized within 30 min. The degradation reaction ...
To prepare LVP precursor, Li2CO3, NH4VO3 and NH4H2PO4 (molar ratio Li:V:P=3.06:2:3) were mixed together and then ball-milled in ethanol for 10 h. The mixture was dried in air at 50 °C, followed by pre-calcining at 350 °C for 6 h in nitrogen atmosphere and then cooling down...