This table stores the manual and auto accrual clearing statuses at the PO Schedule Level. Accrual clearing is performed at the PO schedule level for Global Procurement purchase orders. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: CMR Object type: TABLE Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA Primary Key Name...
Object type: TABLE Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA Primary Key Name Columns CST_PO_SCHEDULE_ACQ_COST_PK CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID, EFFECTIVE_DATE Columns NameDatatypeLengthPrecisionNot-nullComments CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Po line location identifier in receipt accounting. EFFECTIVE_...
In Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC) Process, You can use human tasks to model user interaction with the application. You can assign the human task to a specific user, to a group of users, to users with a certain role, or to the same user that already acted on the instance for a certain...
Not sure the equivalent in Oracle - I presume Corresponding by CONNECT BY or something along that line. IBM DB2 also has something called common table expressions, but not quite sure how that works or if it is the same. q ANSI SQL 2003: table function support This one hasn't made it ...
PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL contains information about purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks. You need one row for each schedule or price break you attach to a document line. There are seven types of documents that use shipment s
This table stores accrual amounts for each run, for each period, for all purchase order distributions for report. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: CMR Object type: TABLE Tablespace: Default Primary Key Name Columns CMR_PO_ACCRUAL_AMTS_RPT_PK CMR_PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID, PERIOD_START_DATE...
where Boolean-operator is any one of the Boolean operators listed in Table 4–6.Boolean operators can be combined and nested together to form complex expressions, such as:(Boolean-operator(filter)(Boolean-operator(filter)(filter)))The Boolean operators available for use with search filters include...
Global temporary table used in the trade event acquisition cost processor. It holds the quantity information (schedule quantity, net trade receipt quantity, invoiced quantity) for PO schedules that have matched invoices. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: CST Object type: TABLE Tablespace: Defa...
Global temporary table used in the cost preprocessor. It holds the quantity information (net delivered quantity, invoiced quantity) for PO distribution receipt combinations that have match to receipt invoices. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: CST Object type: TABLE Tablespace: Default Columns...
Schema: FUSION Object owner: CST Object type: TABLE Tablespace: TEMP3 Columns NameDatatypePrecisionNot-nullComments CMR_PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Internal identifier of the PO schedule that got cleared. CLEARED_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Date when the PO schedule was clearedPrevious...