Visit the ancient city of Verona, home to Shakespeare's star-crossed lovers, Romeo and Juliet. A number of Po River cruise itineraries combine the romance of northern Italy with the historical city of Florence and the excitement of Rome. Florence is home to Michelangelo's David, the Cathedral...
Two other large, structured settlements—Oppeano and Gazzo Veronese—were established in the western Veneto Plain during the early Iron Age, sited on main routes towards the Adige River and Lake Garda. Inhabited since the Final Bronze Age, the ancient river terrace town of Oppeano reached an exte...
上文“Legend says that soap was first discovered on Sappo Hill in Rome. (传说肥皂最早是在罗马的Sappo山上被发现的。)”以及“Then some fat from the dead animals ran down into the river. (然后一些死亡动物身上的脂肪流到了河里。)”说明一种传说是肥皂最早在罗马被发现的,起因是有一些死亡动物的...
The Municipality of Ferrara was selected as an ideal case study, since it is representative of the river Po plain, an area that suffers from high air pollution levels due both to direct emissions and its geomorphological features. Secondly, by accessing a local green areas database (data ...
The city of Apollinopolis stands on a grand and lofty situation, overlooking the river and the valley; and this proud temple, rising over all, can only have been planned by military skill as a fortress to command the whole.At this time the Greeks in Egypt were beginning to follow the ...
I must say you guys really nailed in on this one – those predictions just keep on getting more and more over the target – it leaves me feeling like I am in a boat on a river and it is picking up speed and you can hear a waterfall in the distance – but your motor is not work...
Tibetan film Cao Yuan de He, or River, premiered in Tokyo, Japan on April 29. This is the first Tibetan language movie to be publicly released abroad. Chinese language contest in Latvia draws huge response The 14th Chinese Bridge language proficiency competition in Latvia was held at the Univ...
which does represent a very large part of the site’s total history of consumption and for which an estimate of quantity has been produced. On the left bank of the Tiber River in Rome, by one of the river ports of the ancient city, is a substantial hill some 50 meters high called Mon...
(Old Bridge) – the only bridge across the River Arno until 1218 – to take in views that have hardly changed in 700 years, and climb the modern world’s first dome. Built in 1418 by Filippo Brunelleschi, the dome of the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore was built without scaffolding...
La Gouletteis the port town of Tunis, Tunisia’s capital. It is located on a large sandbar between Lake Tūnis and the Gulf of Tunis, hence its Arabic name,alq al-Wādī, meaning “river’s throat”. La Goulette connects to Tunis via seven mile-long canal and is the chief commercial ...