p_action_ctl_rec.error_msg = po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CLOSE.manual_close_submission_check:120:unexpected error in po_submission_check - po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_CLOSE.manual_close_po:120:manual_close_submission_check not successful - po.plsql.PO_DOCUMENT_ACTION_PVT.do_action:110:unex...
1. Login to the E-Business Suite and choose the Purchasing responsibility 2. Navigate to the purchase order form and query for a PO that was migrated From 11i To R12 3. Make any changes to make PO require re-approval. 4. Click the Approval button-> error occurs FND Tax Debug log may...
Oracle R12_PO_技术基础V1.2.pdf,Agenda New Features 表结构差异 Suppliers Window Suppliers PO_VENDORS 供应商头主文件,每个供应商一条记录 主键:VENDOR_ID APPS.PO_VENDORS是视图,数据来自下面两个 ttabablele:: AP_SUPPLIERS HZ_PARTIES PO_VENDOR_SITES_ALL 供应商
We are in the process of upgrading to R12. In R12, po.po_vendors table is eliminated and everything moved to ap_suppliers. We have a customized programs to enter/update our suppliers daily. So I just wonder what happens to po_vendor_sites table, everything moved to AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_AL...
if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate document numbers for you.SEGMENT1 is not unique for the entire table. Different document types can share the same numbers. You can uniquely identify a row in PO_HEADERS_ALL using ORG_ID, SEGMENT1, and TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE, or using PO_HEADER_...
深入浅出oracle ebs之核心功能(dis)PO OM INV(ERP) 星级: 139 页 Oracle EBS R12基本设置与操作(总账、应收、应付、税、INV、PO、OM、QA) 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: EBS 基本设置与操作R12 总账 应收应付 税 库存 采购 销售 质检 基本设置王泓熠2009-12-31 文档...
Oracle Back to Back Process Flow >RequisitionImport B2B和Drop Shipment的区别两个流程很类似,都要创建PR和PO给供应商,主要区别在于谁来发货。 B2B是我们从供应商那拿货,然后收到货后,再运送给客户; Dropship表示销售是从我们这里发出,但是是由供应商直接给客户发货,我们分别和客户,供应商开应收,应付发票。(关于...
oracle甲骨文erpr12ebs数据库dba.顾问成功之路系列intro po c.pptx,演讲者姓名: 祁宇 美的信息科技公司 采购管理 培训目标 1、明确Oracle 采购模块的功能 2、熟悉有关事务在软件上的操作 采购业务流程 价格管理:询价单、报价单 供应商管理:寻找供应商、合并供应商、
adhoc query for extract to ends users, therefore it is important to have a cheat sheet so that such untimely things can be easily handled in sort span. Hope these query and tips useful to all Inhouse IT personals who is part of Implementation Project team. ...
Oracle Back to Back Process Flow >RequisitionImport B2B和Drop Shipment的区别两个流程很类似,都要创建PR和PO给供应商,主要区别在于谁来发货。 B2B是我们从供应商那拿货,然后收到货后,再运送给客户; Dropship表示销售是从我们这里发出,但是是由供应商直接给客户发货,我们分别和客户,供应商开应收,应付发票。(关于...