Results for "pny usb flash drive"(59) PNY 64GB Attaché USB 2.0 Flash Drive - Light-Weight Durable Storage Device for Data Options +5 optionsAvailable in additional 5 options From $6.88PNY 64GB Attaché USB 2.0 Flash Drive - Light-Weight Durable Storage Device for Data 2164.6 out of 5 ...
米亚直邮首单:PNY Turbo 64 Turbo 64GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive - P-FD64GTBOP-GE 匿名用户 2014-12-04 16:53:20 13点赞 13收藏 34评论 大家好,俺又来晒(Pian)单(Jing)鸟(Bi) 其实这不是俺的第一个下单的直邮,是第二单,比上一单下单要晚一个星期,但是神奇的先发货先到这回美亚18号下单12月1号到...
Pros: This is probably one of the fastest USB 3.0 flash drives I've used. Cons: The packaging looks neat in pictures, but it really is not good. The "cover" doesn't protect the end of the plug from dirt. And it doesn't stick open fully making inserting the device into a USB plug...
【美国亚马逊】 PNY 64GB DUO-LINK Type-C & Type-A Dual OTG USB 3.1 Flash Drive (P-FDU64GOTGCSW31-GE): Electronics ¥179 24.99美元 汇率7.17 更新于刚刚 收入文章 收藏 0 直达链接 历史价 最高24.99美元 最低24.99美元 by 海淘网haitao.com18.1.2024.99 海淘网APP提供降价提醒下载APP ...
Compare prices on USB Flash Drives and shop the perfect PNY USB Flash Drive at the best price on the market. ✓ Easy, fast and convenient. Welcome to Klarna!
PNY NVIDIA Graphics Cards, Networking, Data Center GPUs, Solid State Drives, PC Memory & Flash Memory for consumers & professionals.
Explore PNY consumer products including Graphics Cards, PC Memory, Solid State Drives, Flash Drives, Flash Memory Cards, and more.
PNY Turbo 64GB USB 3.0 Flash Drive是PNY的高端U盘系列,体型小巧,这款64GB版本美亚用户实测写入速度在100MB/s左右,最高有130MB/s,而读取速度接近200MB/s,算是64GB容量中写入速度不错的,当然跟闪迪CZ88这种直逼SSD的高端货是比不了的,不过即便是拷贝大型文件,这样的速度也够用了。
PNY NVIDIA Graphics Cards, Networking, Data Center GPUs, Solid State Drives, PC Memory & Flash Memory for consumers & professionals.
Mini Hook Attaché: Weighing 6.88g and measuring at 4.5mmH x 12mmW x 39mmL, the Mini Hook Attaché is the smallest and lightest USB flash drive among the PNY's Hook series. Despite being ultra-compact and lightweight, it also features the hook-and-lock function that allows it to be ex...