EVERGREEN TREES: The Heath Family,Ericaceae Strawberry Trees,Arbutussp. Pacific Madrone,Arbutus menziesii . The Beech Family,Fagaceae Chinquapins,Chrysolepissp. Golden Chinquapin,Chrysolepis chrysophylla . DECIDUOUS TREES: The Birch Family,Betulaceae Alders, Alnus sp. Red Alder,Alnus rubra Sitka Alde...
Pernettya,Gaultheria mucronata,is an evergreen shrub native to South America. Its common name, Prickly Heath refers to its small leaves with pointed leaf tips. The berries of this plant, which can be in shades of white, pink, red, rose, purple, or nearly black, all have an interesting ...
Click here for more articles onPacific Northwest Native Plantsfrom my sister website :http://habitathorticulturepnw.com/ I had originally planned to continue to add more plant profiles, but I have been distracted by other interests… I am giving my son, Sky Hawk Bressette, access to my sites...
In the Landscape:Oregon Ash is perhaps my least favorite of our native trees. The new growth is susceptible to aphids. It is, however, useful for revegetating wet areas that are flooded periodically. Autumn is its most aesthetic season, when female trees produce attractive seed clusters, follo...
shearings, it can become too large to handle. Even more troubling is that birds will carry its seeds to pristine forests, where it will germinate and invade native habitats. Better choices for evergreen hedges include: Pacific Wax Myrtle,Myrica californicaor California Bay Laurel,Umbellularia ...
. There are about 20 native to North America. Many species are popular garden and landscape plants. Several hybrids and cultivated varieties. have been developed. They are grown for their flower display and/or showy fruit, Some have fragrant flowers; some with attractive or unusual evergreen ...