Why should we use pnpm? It is OK to keep random things in a single monorepo pnpm's strictness helps to avoid silly bugs
[2] benchmark 仓库: https://github.com/dependency-check-team/dependency-check [3] Zoltan Kochan 《Why should we use pnpm?》:https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/why-should-we-use-pnpm.html [4] Zoltan Kochan 《pnpm's strictness helps to avoid silly bugs》: https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/pnp...
🎉 Why pnpm? 了解完包管理工具的历史和原理,我们再来看看 pnpm 到底有什么特别之处,为什么 pnpm 是所谓的「快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具」,它是怎么做到的? store pnpm 有一个 store 的概念(为了方便记忆,可以联想成 Vuex 的 store,全局状态管理),store 目录内部使用「基于内容寻址」的文件系统来存储磁盘...
通过symbolic link(也可称之为软链或者符号链接)来实现! 通过前面的讲解,我们知道了pnpm在全局通过Store来存储所有的node_modules依赖,并且在.pnpm/node_modules中存储项目的hard links,通过hard link来链接真实的文件资源,项目中则通过symbolic link链接到.pnpm/node_modules目录中,依赖放置在同一级别避免了循环的软链。
[3] Zoltan Kochan 《Why should we use pnpm?》:https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/why-should-we-use-pnpm.html [4] Zoltan Kochan 《pnpm's strictness helps to avoid silly bugs》:https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/pnpms-strictness-helps-to-avoid-silly-bugs.html ...
硬链使得不同项目相同依赖只存在一个副本,减少磁盘空间 参考链接 https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/pnpms-strictness-helps-to-avoid-silly-bugs.html https://www.kochan.io/nodejs/why-should-we-use-pnpm.html https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/2703 https://pnpm.io/zh/faq...
{"0 debug pnpm:scope": {"selected":1,"workspacePrefix":null},"1 error pnpm": {"message": {"errno":1,"code":"ELIFECYCLE","pkgid":"my-cv@1.0.0","stage":"start","script":"node server.js","pkgname":"my-cv"},"err": {"name":"Error","message":"my-cv@1.0.0 start: `node...
pnpm why Shows all packages that depend on the specified package. pnpm licenses 运行脚本 pnpm run 别名: run-script Runs a script defined in the package's manifest file. pnpm test Aliases: run test, t, tst Runs an arbitrary command specified in the package's test property of its scripts ...
I’ve seen that myself and worked with all of the above, but I always had a question in my mind - what drives people/teams to use yarn or pnpm instead of npm? What are the pros? Are there any cons? Well… Let’s find out! Performance Comparison Rules I decided to compare npm, ...
pnpm why -r <packageName> 4、turbo 作用 支持增量构建,配合设置缓存,加快构建速度 管道概念,不一定用到 配置文件的复用「看着好用,不一定要用」 远程缓存,支持自建,看上去是有想象力的 参考资料 https://nx.dev/getting-started/intro https://pnpm.io/zh/ ...