报错信息大概如下 Failed to compile with 15 errors 00:47:21These dependencies were not found: * codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.css in ./node_modules/.pnpm/cach
I tried to use nuxt-primevue and xgplayer in the Nuxt framework for development, and then found that when these two packages were introduced in pnpm and yarn and used on the same page, a "MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error would occur, but in npm There will be no similar errors. I am not sure...
The issue is also that pnpm is runningnode-gyp rebuildby itself, without us specifying it to run that. We already have apostinstallscript that handles building, not sure why pnpm tries to do it for us. As a workaround, just add the older version of node-gyp to the dependencies of the...
Although pnpm uses symlinks to put dependencies intonode_modulesfolders, circular symlinks are avoided because parent packages are placed into the samenode_modulesfolder in which their dependencies are. Sofoo's dependencies are not infoo/node_modulesbutfoois innode_modules/foo, together with its own...
Although pnpm uses symlinks to put dependencies intonode_modulesfolders, circular symlinks are avoided because parent packages are placed into the samenode_modulesfolder in which their dependencies are. Sofoo's dependencies are not infoo/node_modulesbutfoois innode_modules/foo, together with its own...
npm is the forefather of package managers. Mistakenly, many people believe npm is an acronym for “Node package manager” butthis is not the case. Nevertheless, it’s bundled with the Node.js runtime. Its release constituted a revolution because, until then, project dependencies were downloaded...
Cyclic dependencies that have peer dependencies were not symlinked to the root of `node_modules`, when they were direct dependencies. 814 815 ## 5.5.9 816 817 ### Patch Changes 818 819 - Always try to resolve optional peer dependencies. Fixes a regression introduced in pnpm v5.5...
Also, we might want to introduce a newpackage_managervalue for this, and handle it in the Rails backend (Dependencies API, Dependency List formatter). TODO: Write a proper implementation plan. Thanks for working on this@fcatteau! We've removed theSeeking community contributionslabel to avoid ha...
Do not print patched dependencies as ignored dependencies that require a build#8952. v10.0.0 Compare Source Major Changes Lifecycle scripts of dependencies are not executed during installation by default! This is a breaking change aimed at increasing security. In order to allow lifecycle scripts...
yaml ❯ pnpm i Scope: all 8 workspace projects packages/server | WARN deprecated json2csv@5.0.7 WARN 3 deprecated subdependencies found: dommatrix@1.0.3, eivindfjeldstad-dot@0.0.1, uuid@3.3.2 Packages: +154 -150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- Progres...