顺序是:project-one build 输出"nihao index2",test输出"Error: no test specified",docs build vitepress成功构建,test输出"Error: no test specified"。 project-one---> build---> test |--> docs-> build ->test 当我们再次执行pnpm run turbo-test的时候: 因为代码并没有改动,turbo使用缓存能力,将整...
"scripts": { "build": "pnpm run -C packages/cli tsc", "cli": "pnpm run -C packages/cli cli", "cli:init": "pnpm run -C packages/cli cli:init", "cli:list": "pnpm run -C packages/cli cli:list", "ts": "pnpm run -C packages/cli ts", "ts:init": "pnpm run -C packages...
name:pnpm Example Workflowon:push:jobs:build:runs-on:ubuntu-20.04strategy:matrix:node-version:[15]steps:-uses:actions/checkout@v2-uses:pnpm/action-setup@v2.0.1with:version:6.20.3-name:Use Node.js${{matrix.node-version}}uses:actions/setup-node@v2 with:node-version:${{matrix.node-version}}...
emoji: ":sparkles:" }, { value: "fix", name: "修复: 修复缺陷", emoji: ":bug:" }, { value: "docs", name: "文档: 文档变更", emoji: ":memo:" }, { value: "style", name: "格式: 代码格式(不影响功能,例如空格、分号等格式修正)", emoji: ":lipstick:" }, { value: "refactor...
在Monorepo 中,每个子模块仍然是独立的,有独立的版本,可以独立发包,不受其他模块的限制,最重要的是 Monorepo 的 build、test 都是增量的,只有发生更改的子模块会进行构建和测试,而不需要重新构建和测试整个代码库。这可以大大加快持续集成(CI)的速度,提高开发效率。 与Mulitrepo 相比,Monorepo 中的子模块可以代码共...
yeah, i keep getting this on a clean docker build. idk why. #13 1.322 ? The modules directory at "/app/node_modules" will be removed and reinstalled from scratch. Proceed? (Y/n) ‣ true#13 DONE 1.5s#14 [web development 7/8] RUN pnpm install sharp@0.33.2#14 1.154 ERR_PNPM...
] 如果你需要增加 Git 提交消息校验和自动代码格式化, max g precommit 就可以一键完成配置,详见 https://umijs.org/docs/guides/generator#precommit-配置生成器 [09:23:19] info - Umi v4.0.51 [09:23:19] info - Preparing... [09:23:19] fatal - TypeError: build is not a function [09:23:...
[build] command = "pnpm run build" Start building with pnpm on Netlify Support for pnpm has been one of the most highly requested features, and we’re excited to make this available for all developers today! Visit the docs to learn how to get started. If you have any questions or fee...
{"build":"pnpm --filter=@qftjs/* run build"} 清理构建产物和node_modules 代码语言:javascript 复制 {"clear":"rimraf 'packages/*/{lib,node_modules}' && rimraf node_modules"} 执行changeset,开始交互式填写变更集,这个命令会将你的包全部列出来,然后选择你要更改发布的包 ...
- "build": "lerna run build",+ "build": "pnpm -r --filter ./packages run build",复制代码 然后修改构建脚本 #!/bin/bash# 安装 pnpm# 避免重复执行if [[ ! -h ~/.pnpm-state/pnpm-state.json ]]; thencurl -fsSL https://get.pnpm.io/install.sh | PNPM_VERSION=7.0.0-beta.2 sh -...