为了保证发布功能,添加如下脚本:json复制代码{ "scripts": { "release": "run-s build releaseOnly", "releaseOnly": "changeset publish" }} 预发布版本 changeset提供了带tag的预发布版本的模式,这个模式使用时候需要注意:通过pre enter/exit进入或退出预发布模式,在这个模式下可以执行正常模式下...
"compilerOptions":{"declaration":true,"emitDeclarationOnly":true,} 为了能达到更好的项目配置分离,我们可以把生成类型的配置单独抽离出来,配合extends把通用的tsconfig.json融合进来即可,如下图: image.png 最后,在package.json增加以下命令,在构建类型文件时指定tsconfig: "scripts":{"build:types":"tsc --p ts...
打包优化:运行pnpm run build后 那些很大的js文件 被分包成各个独立的小的js文件 打包优化:1、把所有的路由改为动态import (作用是点击对应页面才会去加载对应的js) 2、使用vite的build chunk方法手动分包(例如 把vant的js分包,把eacharts的js分包、把node_module的所有第三库分包 ) 3、条件打包 具体去看链接 ...
"compilerOptions":{"declaration":true,"emitDeclarationOnly":true,} 为了能达到更好的项目配置分离,我们可以把生成类型的配置单独抽离出来,配合extends把通用的tsconfig.json融合进来即可,如下图: image.png 最后,在package.json增加以下命令,在构建类型文件时指定tsconfig: 代码语言:json 复制 "scripts":{"build:ty...
pnpm version: 2.13.5 Code to reproduce the issue: Run pnpm install --shrinkwrap-only. My understanding was that this feature allows people to update their shrinkwrap.yaml file very quickly, in situations where they aren't going to be bui...
As an infrastructure maintainer in an enterprise environment, I want to enforce anonlyBuildDependenciesFilefor users. But I've found that if I don't include a dependency in the file, it will correctly skip the postinstall, but it won't log what was skipped. I think this creates confusion ...
If you have several package.json files in your project, you can build a separate script tree for each of them and run scripts without dropping the previously built trees. Each tree is shown under a separate node. Open the npm tool window if it is not opened yet Select the required ...
pnpm i --lockfile-only只更新pnpm-lock.yaml pnpm update 别名:up,upgrade 更新依赖到指定范围的最新版本。 pnpm up更新所有依赖,采用package.json中指定的范围 pnpm up --latest所以依赖更新到最新版本 pnpm up foo@2更新foo到v2中的最新版本 pnpm up "@babel/*"更新所有@babel下的依赖 ...
If you have several package.json files in your project, you can build a separate script tree for each of them and run scripts without dropping the previously built trees. Each tree is shown under a separate node. Open the npm tool window if it is not opened yet Select the required ...