pnpm v9.0.0 现已停止对 Node.js v16 提供支持,但不用担心,现在将 pnpm 与 Node.js 一起捆绑发布。 这意味着,无论你安装了哪个版本的 Node.js,pnpm 都会使用必要的 Node.js 运行时。你只需通过独立脚本或者安装@pnpm/exe包来安装 pnpm,就能实现这一功能。 Corepack 功能增强 现在pnpm 会检查package.json...
开场 pnpm是performant npm(高性能的npm),它是一款快速的,节省磁盘空间的包管理工具,同时,它也较好地支持了workspace和monorepos,简化开发者在多包组件开发下的复杂度和开发流程。 在上一篇《pnpm技术体系之:高性能包管理工具》讲到pnpm的优势,在本章节,我们开始着手搭建一个完整流程的开源组件。 pnpm monorepo搭建 ...
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.4FROMworkspaceasprunedRUNpnpm--filter<your package name>--prod deploy prunedFROMnode:18-alpine WORKDIR/appENVNODE_ENV=production COPY--from=pruned/app/pruned.ENTRYPOINT["node","index.js"] pnpm doctor Checks for known common issues with pnpm configuration.pnpm config p...
// .fatherrc.ts export default { target: 'node', cjs: { type: 'babel', lazy: true }, disableTypeCheck: false, }; 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 // tsconfig.ts { "include": ["src", "types", "test"], "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "module": "...
node ~/path/to/pnpm/packages/pnpm install 这样通过 node 直接到指定的 pnpm 源文件目录去进行调试,这时命令就会分发到对应代码逻辑里面去,前面设置的断点就会很快生效。参考如图: 这样就可以相对简洁且能直接针对源码进行调试了,如果有代码修改也可以在源码里面修改之后直接进行调试。
script failed: 'F:\my\*\node_modules\*\lib\scripts-win\build.cmd' scripty ERR! exit status: 1 ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1. pnpm version: last Code to reproduce the issue: Expected behavior: Actual behavior:
Support node-options option inside .npmrc file when running scripts #7596. Added support for registry-scoped SSL configurations (cert, key, and ca). Three new settings supported: <registryURL>:certfile, <registryURL>:keyfile, and <registryURL>:ca. For instance: //
options.reporter-Function- A function that listens for logs. linkToGlobal(linkFrom, options) Create a symbolic link from the specified package to the globalnode_modules. Arguments: linkFrom-String- path to the package that should be linked. ...
ts-node: 便于我们使用 node 直接执行 ts 文件 { "name": "@vuetom-cli/root", "private": true, "workspaces": [ "packages/*" ], "scripts": { "build": "pnpm run -C packages/cli tsc", "cli": "pnpm run -C packages/cli cli", ...
node node_modules/vite-plugin-mock/node_modules/esbuild/install.js 再次运行就ok了 5. 提示build.terserOptions is specified but build.minify is not set to use Terser. Note Vite now defaults to use esbuild for minification. If you still prefer Terser, set build.minify to "terser". ...