当改为 TypeOrmModule.forRoot(connectionParams),并配置ormconfig.ts后,pnpm start:dev 出现错误no such file or directory, open '/Users/minglu/Desktop/nestjs-learn/dist/config/config.yml'将变动改回TypeOrmModule.forRootSync(object),并且删除ormconfig.ts 可解决问题。经反复测试,只要项目根目录中存在ormconfig...
error - Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\hkhen\dev\pnpm-next\packages\next\.next\server\pages\api\schema.prisma' I've tried a few variations: prisma and @prisma/client 3.12.0 and 3.13.0-dev.15, standard output directory andoutput = "../src/generated/prisma"...
When I type 'pnpm i' or 'pnpm store path' or 'pnpm store prune' I always get this errror (with a different tmp file number): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\sebas\Documents\heip-monorepo\_tmp_4580_fec72f06e7d137ca05b7e YTT-TTY commented Nov 17, 2022 Same Er...
这时,文件A就称为文件B的"软链接"(soft link)或者"符号链接(symbolic link)。 这意味着,文件A依赖于文件B而存在,如果删除了文件B,打开文件A就会报错:"No such file or directory"。这是软链接与硬链接最大的不同:文件A指向文件B的文件名,而不是文件B的inode号码,文件B的inode"链接数"不会因此发生变化。
failed with exit code 1: pnpm install Scope: all 7 workspace projects ENOENT ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/Users/<me>/Repos/my-turborepo/node_modules/@babel/core' pnpm: ENOENT: no such file or directory, unlink '/Users/<me>/Repos/my-turborepo/node_modu...
342 - The value of the `noproxy` setting should be read ([#3258](https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/issues/3258)). 343 - An empty `node_modules` directory should not be created just to save a `.pnpm-debug.log` file to it. 344 345 ## 5.18.7 346 347 ### Patch Changes 34...
针对你遇到的“bash: /c/program files/nodejs/pnpm: no such file or directory”错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 确认pnpm的安装路径: 首先,我们需要确认pnpm是否已经被安装,并且知道其具体的安装路径。如果pnpm是通过Node.js的包管理器(npm或yarn)安装的,它通常会被安装在Node.js的全局包目录下。
Hey fellas, just got a problem, I was going to install discord.js and a couple of other packages onto my new project but upon typing ‘pnpm i discord.js’ I received the error '/usr/bin/env: ‘node’: No such file or directory’ Then I tried ‘npm i discord.js’ which also yiel...
安装失败:在安装依赖项时,如果 Node.js 版本不兼容,pnpm 可能会报错并终止安装过程。常见的错误信息包括Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory或Error: EACCES: permission denied。这些错误通常表明 pnpm 无法正确访问或操作文件系统。 脚本执行失败:某些项目依赖于特定版本的 Node.js 来执行脚本。如果 Node.js...
How the global installation directory pnpm-store is organized pnpmThe hard link method is adopted in the third-layer addressing, but at the same time, there is still one problem left, that is, the hard link object file is not an ordinary NPM package source code, but a hash Files, this ...