commit git, there is a pnpm error,why???The two are completely unrelated ERR_PNPM_FETCH_404 GET Not Found - 404 --no-install is not in the npm registry, or you have no permission to fetch it. Expected behavior: Actual behavior: Additional...
true or unset. I'm not sure if it's possible to specify this directly on the command line (I didn't see an option documented, I might have missed it though), but it also checks whether the command is being run as part of a CI process, and if so it does not print this message...
首先,需要确认当前的npm配置是否已更改为{"default":""}。这可以通过运行以下命令来检查: bash pnpm config get registry 如果输出不是,则需要修改配置。 修改npm配置: 如果当前配置不正确,可以使用以下命令将其修改为{"default":"https://registry.npm...
registry-supports-time-field=false 附:.npmrc文件配置模板 ### Dependency Hoisting Settings ### When true, all dependencies are hoisted to node_modules/.pnpm. This makes unlisted dependencies accessible to all packages inside node_modules.hoist...
The package (consty) is not listed in the npm registry from what I can tell, and it’s very possible this is a typo (?) for the package ‘const’. Occasionally the install will push through and work, but this has gotten worse the past few days and now will not install no matter ...
aside from wondering whether this is possible without going to that amount of trouble, looking at the file structure, in addition to the aliases I have inside the node_modules folder, I seem to have a hidden This is exactly the same as the one I have in my ...
readmeWARNING: This installation method is not supported anymore. Visit the installation page of pnpm to see the currently recommended installation technics.DEPRECATED! @pnpm/self-installerInstalls pnpmUsagecurl -L | node ...
This is seen when you delete a project too. If I was to delete each project created by npm, Yarn, and PNPM: npm: 14 seconds Yarn: 9 seconds PNPM: 8 seconds Deleting the projects does not impact the cache in any way… it only deletes the project. ...