pnpm install Scope: all 15 workspace projects Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped Already up to date . postinstall$ pnpm patch rc-dock@3.2.10 │ You can now edit the following folder: /private/var/folders/ks/{hashHere}/T/{differentHashHere} └─ Done in 417ms Here is ...
is up to date, resolution step is skipped ERR_PNPM_LOCKFILE_MISSING_DEPENDENCY Broken lockfile: no entry for '/@changesets/cli/2.26.1' in pnpm-lock.yaml This issue is probably caused by a badly resolved merge conflict. To fix the lockfile, run 'pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile'...
Cannot install with "frozen-lockfile" because pnpm-lock.yaml is not up to date with package.json Note that in CI environments this setting is true by default. If you still need to run install in such cases, use "pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile" 解决办法 pnpm install --no-frozen-lockf...
pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile用于安装项目的依赖包,并且允许更新 pnpm-lock.yaml 文件。具体来说:pnpm install:安装项目中定义的所有依赖包。如果已经有 node_modules 文件夹,它会根据 pnpm-lock.yaml 文件中的内容安装所有依赖项。 --no-frozen-lockfile:表示在安装过程中,允许更新 pnpm-lock.yaml 文件。
lprm 命令 Linux lprm命令用于将一个工作由打印机贮列中移除 尚未完成的打印机工作会被放在打印机贮列...
504 The performance of repeat `pnpm install` execution was in some cases significantly slower. 505 506 - Don't create broken symlinks to skipped optional dependencies, when hoisting. This issue was already fixed in pnpm v5.13.7 for the case when the lockfile is up-to-date. This fixes ...
这是一个由 pnpm 导致的问题,起初没有使用含有 sqllite3 的模块,构建是没有问题的,使用了 sqllite3 之后,在 electron-builder 进行构建时显示 xxx\pnpm.cjs 不是一个合法的 Win32 应用。 pnpm.cjs 文件上方有一个 shebang (#!开头 ): #!/usr/bin/env node ...
yarn会比较node_modules下的模块是否符合上面收集到的依赖信息 如果符合 就结束 打印 success Already up-to-date Yarn 获取包时会先确定缓存中是否存在 不存在就去registry下载 讲下载的压缩包写入缓存目录 更新yarn.lock Linking Packages 连接依赖 将依赖复制到node_modules ...
pnpm install --force 这将删除现有的 node_modules 目录和 pnpm-lock.yaml 文件,然后重新安装所有依赖项。 4. 检查网络连接 确保您的网络连接正常,并且 pnpm 能够访问到包注册表。 5. 检查 package.json 文件 确认package.json 文件没有语法错误,并且确实包含了要更新的依赖项。 6. 使用其他包管理器 如果pnpm...
Actual behavior: Already up-to-date WARN Cannot find... esalling23 March 27, 2019, 8:21pm 12 That was the most confusing part of all this to me as well! After running that command (rm shrinkwrap.yaml && enable-pnpm) the server restarts as expected and installs everything ...