从npm升级到pnpm的时候, 我安装的pnpm支持必须是node12版本以上,先使用nvm升级了一下node版本 pnpm启动报错信息 pnpmModulenotfound:Error:Can't resolve 'vue-hot-reload-api 1. 解决方案 执行安装这个模块 --savevue-hot-reload-api 1.
Problem Fixes#10260 @mui/utilsis used herehttps://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/blob/master/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/theme/defaultTheme.ts#L2 But it is not explicitly declared as peerDependency herehttps://github.com/marmelab/react-admin/blob/master/packages/ra-ui-materialui/package....
Error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\npm\pnpm-global\4\node_modules\pnpm\bin\pnpm.js' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:831:15) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:687:27) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as...
'swc.darwin-x64.node')); try { if (localFileExisted) { nativeBinding = require('./swc.darwin-x64.node'); } else { nativeBinding = require('@swc/core-darwin-x64'); // 报错部分 } } catch (e) { loadError = e; } break; case 'arm64': localFileExisted = existsSync(...
问答首页 / 应用/服务开发 / Error: Cannot find module '../dist/pnpm.cjs' 有人遇到过这个bug吗 1 收藏 2 分享 举报Error: Cannot find module '../dist/pnpm.cjs' 有人遇到过这个bug吗 已解决 DevEco Studio 发表于 2024-02-20 00:35发布于:北京246查看 ...
在一个 node 项目中免不了 node_modules 依赖,假设项目 A 用的了 Express 依赖,同时项目 B 也用到...
code: ←[32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'←[39m, requireStack: [] } 解决办法: https://pnpm.io/installation#troubleshooting First, try to find the location of pnpm by running:which pnpm. If you're on Windows, run this command in Git Bash. You'll get the location of the pnpm command, for inst...
[90m at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:725:27)←[39m←[90m at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:72:12)←[39m←[90m at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47←[39m {code: ←[32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'←[39m,requireStack:...
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:22:47 { code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND', requireStack: [] } C:\Users\xxxxx(你计算机的名字)\.hvigor\wrapper\tools\node_modules 这时候你应该回发现有个.ignored文件夹,打开它, 找到pnpm这个文件夹 复制, 放在node_modules这个目录下。 返回DevEco Studio 找到上面窗...
323 - `pnpm audit --audit-level high` should not error if the found vulnerabilities are low and/or moderate (#2721). 324 - When purging an incompatible modules directory, don't remove the actual directory, just the contents of it (#2720). 325 326 ## 5.4.7 327 328 ### Pat...