可能导致 ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_RUN_FIRST_FAIL 错误的常见原因 依赖问题:如果某个工作区依赖于另一个工作区的构建结果,而该依赖的工作区构建失败,那么依赖于它的工作区也可能因为找不到必要的资源或模块而失败。 脚本错误:工作区内的脚本可能包含错误,如语法错误、配置错误或逻辑错误,导致脚本执行失败。 环境配置问题...
When someone runs pnpm run with a non-existent command, the current error message is not very informative: $ pnpm run buil ERR_PNPM_NO_SCRIPT Missing script: buil Similar with just pnpm and the command: $ pnpm buil ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL Command failed with ENO...
{ code: 'ERR_UNKNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION' } C:\Users\armaa\Downloads\chrome-extension-boilerplate-react-vite\packages\hmr: ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_RUN_FIRST_FAIL @chrome-extension-boilerplate/hmr@0.0.1 dev-server: `ts-node-esm lib/initReloadServer.ts` Exit status 1 ELIFECYCLE Command...
ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL not found: reassure I noticed that reassure binary is missing in thenode_modules/.binfolder. To ReproduceSteps to reproduce the behavior: Create react project withcreate-react-app Addreassureto the project usingpnpm add reassure -D ...
pnpm -r, --recursive Aliases: m, multi, recursive, -r pnpm server Manage a store server. pnpm store Managing the package store. pnpm root Prints the effective modules directory. pnpm bin Prints the directory into which the executables of dependencies are linked.pnpm setup This command...
pnpm recursive runtest# -r 是 recursive 的命令缩写:pnpm -r runtest 例如,我在所有 package 下都加了print命令,然后在根目录执行pnpm -r run print 常见的 Monorepo 解决方案 除了pnpm,还有其他几种流行的 Monorepo 管理工具: Lerna:最受欢迎的 Monorepo 管理工具之一,提供了版本管理与发布的功能。
{cliOptions['recursive']=true;config.recursive=true;// 默认过滤器 '{.}...' 意味着包括当前项目及其所有依赖if(!config.recursiveInstall&&!config.filter&&!config.filterProd){config.filter=['{.}...'];}}if(cliOptions['recursive']){// 确定工作区目录,默认为当前目录constwsDir=workspace...
983 - `pnpm install` should work as `pnpm install --filter {.}...`, when `recursive-install` is `false`. 984 - On first install, print an info message about the package importing (hard linking, cloning, or copying) method 985 and the location of the virtual store and the content...
尝试将bpackage.json包中的"@mydep/a": "link:../mydepb替换为@mydep/a": "workspace:*"。所以...
ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL Command "--workspace-root" not found This looks like a holdover from before pnpm moved the order of pnpm-flags and removed the -- for script parameter passing. Expected Behavior The CLI should produce a message with the correct erroneous script name: ...