一、ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL 错误的具体含义ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL 是一个在使用 pnpm(一个高性能的 Node.js 包管理工具)时可能遇到的错误。该错误表明 pnpm 在尝试从配置的 npm 仓库(registry)获取某个包的元数据时失败了。这通常涉及到网络请求问题或仓库配置错误。
ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@ohos%2Fhvigor-ohos-plugin: request to https://registry.npmjs.o爱吃大米饭 | DevEco Studio HarmonyOS NEXT ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL GET https://registry.npmjs.org/@ohos%2Fhvigor-ohos-plugin: request to https://regis...
作者为了要钱,解决办法: npm config set fund false 错误二: 今天突然遇到一个报错,pnpm 报错: ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL GET https://registry.npm.taobao.org/@vue%2Fcli-service: request to https://registry.npm.taobao.org/@vue%2Fcli-service failed, reason: certificate has expired 问题原因: ...
ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL GEThttps://registry.npmjs.org/pnpm:Valueof"this"must be oftypeURLSearchParams WARN GEThttps://registry.npmjs.org/@typescript-eslint%2Fparser error (ERR_INVALID_THIS). Will retry in 10 seconds. 2 retries left. WARN GEThttps://registry.npmjs.org/...
ERR_PNPM_META_FETCH_FAIL GET https://registry.npmjs.org/babel-runtime: request tohttps://registry.npmjs.org/babel-runtimefailed, reason:connect ETIMEDOUT104.16.1.35:443 意思是连接不上这个地址,开启氪学上网下载,最后清理pnpm缓存后重新下载,下载成功后run便成功了。
pnpm version: 8.6.7 Code to reproduce the issue: pnpm init echo strict-peer-dependencies=true > .npmrc echo auto-install-peers=false >> .npmrc pnpm add react-dom echo $? rm -rf node_modules pnpm install echo $? Expected behavior: The add...
出现的问题是: Installing pnpm@8.13.1… 失败,npm 各种 error,最后报错:Process finished with exit code 255。 这是因为npm的仓库地址https://registry.npmjs.org/失效了。 1、点击DevEco Studio最下方工具栏的 Terminal, 2、将 npm 的仓库地址改成华为的镜像。
在构建DGIOT时走到pnpm install遇到错误。错误提示如下:ERR_PNPM_FETCH_404 GET https://registry.npmjs.org/ansistyles/...
235 - pnpm should not fail with an `EMFILE` error on a big workspace with many projects [#3381](https://github.com/pnpm/pnpm/pull/3381). 236 237 ## 6.1.0 238 239 ### Minor Changes 240 241 - New option added: `enable-pre-post-scripts`. When it is set to `true`, ...
ERR_ PNPM_ PREPARE_PACKAGE Failed to prepare git-hosted package #8998 openedJan 21, 2025bysebbean 1 PNPM fail to find the Global Bin Directory when using the -g flagtype: bug #8997 openedJan 21, 2025byEprince-hub 2 of 4 tasks