If the input Status is anything other than STATUS_SUCCESS, TdiPnPPowerComplete notifies the transport that its attempt to change the power state has failed. A TDI client returns an error status, such as STATUS_FILES_OPEN or STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL, for Status when one of its own (application) ...
This section describes the system-definedClientEventXxxcallback routines andClientPnPXxxnotification routines that can be implemented in kernel-mode clients of TDI transports. A client registers each suchClientEventXxxcallback by setting up an IRP for the underlying transport driver withTdiBuildSetEvent...
人物简介: 一、王润秋担任职务:王润秋目前担任东莞市厚街咏发汽车维修部法定代表人;二、王润秋投资情况:目前王润秋投资东莞市厚街咏发汽车维修部最终收益股份为0%;老板履历 图文概览商业履历 任职全景图 投资、任职的关联公司 商业关系图 一图看清商业版图 ...
百度文库 恩格尔系数(Engel' s Coefficient)是指( ) 根据您输入的内容,为您匹配到题目: **恩格尔系数(Engel' s Coefficient)是指( )** A. 食品 B. 服饰 C. 住房 D. 交通 **答案**: A ©2024 Baidu |由 百度智能...
风水宝地, 大师传业修坟。你要修坟墓找大师 风水宝地, 大师传业修坟。你要修坟墓找大师 136 大师,捞啊,这活你们干过吗 。 大师,捞啊,这活你们干过吗 。 114 风水宝地 ,卢氏安龙九月二十二开始 风水宝地 ,卢氏安龙九月二十二开始 124 非专业人士请勿模仿,风水宝地 。劳动人民的智慧就是高啊 非专业人士...
最近,我国公布了企业职工基本养老保险遗属待遇暂行办法,从9月1日对当前我国企业职工的抚恤金标准进行调整。 我们知道,之前各地区对于企业职工去世后抚恤金发放的标准并未统一,新办法发布之后,企业职工去世后的遗属抚恤金待遇总体而言有了一定的提高,但和国家机关人员和事业单位人员相比,三者有什么区别呢?下面我们就来具体...
TDI Functions TdiCompleteRequest TdiCopyBufferToMdl TdiCopyLookaheadData TdiCopyMdlChainToMdlChain TdiCopyMdlToBuffer TdiDeregisterAddressChangeHandler TdiDeregisterDeviceObject TdiDeregisterNetAddress TdiDeregisterNotificationHandler TdiDeregisterPnPHandlers ...
TDI_PNP_CONTEXT_TYPE_FIRST_OR_LAST_IF The buffered data is any protocol-supplied information for an adapter that supports the transport. In effect, the client is indifferent to the specifics of the transport interface(s), as long as the transport to which the client is bound is supported ...