2N5401 can be used like any general purpose PNP transistor, but for sake of understanding the working of this device let us look at a simple application circuit as shown below. 2N5096 Transistor Circuit In the circuit above we are using 2N5401 as a simple switching device with the switching...
2N3906is aPNP transistorhence the collector and emitter will be closed (Forward biased) when the base pin is held at ground and will be opened (Reverse biased) when a signal is provided to base pin. This is where a PNP transistor differs from a NPN transistor, a Logic state (blue colour...
三极管DV4 BV4是管体上的缩写代码,不能直接判断是NPN 还是PNP的。1、一般可以根据三极管本体上的mark来判断类型,2SA(A)系列和2SB(B)系列是PNP管,2SC(C)系列和2SD(D)系列是NPN管。2、也可以用万用表测量,先用万用表的RX100档,任意测管子的两极,如果偏转角度较大,不动红表笔,用黑表笔...
transistor diode pinout IC TVS MOSFETS Package N-CHANNEL P-CHANNEL NPN/PNP Distributor Datenblatt pdf replacement cross reference pin out RoHS Electronic datablad Pb-free samples SMD代码 丝印代码 顶标 镭射代码 二三极管代码 二三极管SMD 贴片二三极管 Mark银行 淘金mark论坛 技术资料 技术文件...