这里主要是看designer主要关注什么指标,如果是关注dutycycle,那么选择Edge Delay比较合适。 Sampled Phase:采样的相位分析。Sampled phase是可以用来测量固定时刻点的jitter,Samples Per Period是用来指定每周期测量多少个时刻点,Initial Sample Phase是用来指定第一个Sample的时刻。Add Specific Points用来指定特别关注的时刻点...
Sampled Phase:采样的相位分析。Sampled phase是可以用来测量固定时刻点的jitter,Samples Per Period是用来指定每周期测量多少个时刻点,Initial Sample Phase是用来指定第一个Sample的时刻。Add Specific Points用来指定特别关注的时刻点。大家可以看到,Noise Type后面有个Sample Ratio选项,什么意思呢?该选项主要用在有...
根据cadence manual,这个方法对于计算高阶harmonics folding back的noise精度要更好一些。 Noise type设置为sampled(jitter)。这种方法会计算pss过程中某一时刻的采样噪声。这个时刻由下面设置的event type决定。 Event type=edge crossing, Trigger=voltage, Output Nodes=/outp and /outn(这两个是comparator的输出node,...
select the fullspectrum method for sidebands and choose 'sampled(jitter)' as the noise type.Event type is crucial here. Set it to 'edge crossing' with Trigger set to 'voltage', using nodes /outp and /outn (cross-coupled transistor outputs). The threshold value should be 0.05...
Edge Phase Noise is related to Jitter. If you want to compare it to Sampled Pnoise, you need to take into account the slope of the signal at the threshold crossing as well. Edge Phase Noise has been defined in a way so that it can be direct...
noisetype=sampled measurement=[pm0] annotate=status pm0 jitterevent trigger=[DUT.LATCH\<5\>.vOUTp \ DUT.LATCH\<5\>.vOUTm] triggerthresh=(PNOISE__vREGENd) \ triggernum=1 triggerdir=rise target=[DUT.LATCH\<5\>.vOUTp \ DUT.LATCH\<5\>.vOUTm] ...
So every 24 period, I replace the zero crossing of the unjected signal with the zero crossing of a clean reference to lower the jitter. In this case I have a reference with frequency of 100MHz. (I need to inject that "not clean" signal, because it creats a topology that gives a...