2013 Jan;90(1):16-24. 21. Schrezenmeier H, Röth A, Araten DJ, et al. Baseline clinical characteristics and disease burden in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH): Updated analysis from the International P...
筛查指征更新:新增需要筛查PNH克隆的指征,除2013版共识中提及的指征外,新增出现如下不能用其他疾病解释的临床表现:呼吸困难,腹痛、头痛、腰痛、吞咽困难、勃起功能障碍、体重减轻等。 临床表现细化:明确了PNH的具体临床表现,包括血红蛋...
15. Lee J W, Jang J H, Kim J S, et al. Clinical signs and symptoms associated with increased risk for thrombosis in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria from a Korean Registry[J]. Int J Hematol. 2013, 97: 749-757. 16. Hillmen P, Young N S, Schubert J, et al. The ...
4. Hillmen P, Lewis SM, Bessler M, et al. Natural history of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. N Engl J Med. 1995 Nov 9;333(19):1253-8. 5. Hill A, Kelly RJ, Hillmen P. Thrombosis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria. Blood. 2013 Jun 20;121(25):4985-96; quiz 5105. 6. Hil...
翻译于https://blog.mozilla.org/security/2013/08/22/plug-n-hack/ plug-n-Hack概览 plug-n-Hack(pnH)是Mozilla安全团队为说明安全工具怎样和浏览器以一种更加有效更加有用的方式交互而提出的一种标准。 安全研究人员们以前一般是用安全工具与浏览器连接工作,但是现在直接的集成工具要求安全平台具有可写性并且浏...
1、PNH诊断与治疗中国专家共识 中华血液学杂志2013;34(3)276-9 2、Jeffrey J. Pu and Robert A. Brodsky,Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria from Bench to Bedside.Clin Transl Sci. 2011 June ; 4(3): 219-224. 3、Robert A. Brodsky, MD,Advances in the Diagnosis and Therapy of Paroxysmal Nocturnal...