MLP takes into consideration several factors like the user's favorite Instagram pages, bookmarked choices, etc. Post analysis of individuals' behaviors via social media networks, the data can be linked to people's spending habits. MLP ANN is used to mine data from social media applications. ...
A design that works across various mediums, including digital platforms and print. 2. Instagram Branding Reels Templates: Editable, visually cohesive templates for Instagram Reels. Stories Templates: A set of customizable Instagram Story templates for announcements, FAQs, and updates. Post Templates: ...
Let's be blunt about it, plagiarism (that is, taking someone else's ideas or words and claiming them as your own) is a pretty low act. It's no better than stealing. Plagiarism is bad at any time but becomes of crucial importance where something hangs on the result: like stealing some...
POSToutput/2xnsp7jn34e5HTTP/1.1Host: api.tinify.comAuthorization: Basic YXBpOmFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6MDEyMzQ1Content-Type: application/json{"store": {"service":"s3","aws_access_key_id":"AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE","aws_secret_access_key":"wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKE...
As of late, the collage has made a has made a comeback as a representational strategy for the very same reason, sparking a recent debate around the potential emergence of "post-digital drawing." Intentionally fantastical compilations empower architects to create clear narratives to supplement their...
brands, ARW files will open in most photo viewers and editors, including Adobe Photoshop and Corel PaintShop Pro. As raw image files can be very large, many people convert them into lossy compressed formats like JPG or PNG to share photos by email or post them on websites or social media...
collection of research level electronic / digital publications books, articles and media on and from Papua New Guinea
POST/shrinkHTTP/1.1Host: api.tinify.comAuthorization: Basic YXBpOmFiY2RlZmdoaWprbG1ub3BxcnN0dXZ3eHl6MDEyMzQ1[binary] HTTP/1.1201CreatedCompression-Count: 12[...] Need help? Got feedback? We’re always here to help, so if you’re stuck just drop us a note It’...
Then to make it tile as the background in Lectora, just go to the Design Ribbon, to the Title Background section, select the image drop down and import your PNG. In an earlier post I showed how to find, edit, and import raster (i.e. Lectora 105 Lectora PNG Pattern Photoshop 105 ...
The programming language Adobe PostScript uses the PS file format. PostScript was introduced in 1982 as a way of turning digital text documents or images into a fixed format that was ready for print. Users with a PostScript-enabled printer could print PS files directly without opening them. ...