stretchingtechniquesonverticaljumpperformance.[J]StrengthCondRes.2008 3 []BradleyTheeffectofstatic,ballistic,andproprioceptiveneuromuscular facilitationstretchingonverticaljumpperformance.[J]StrengthCondRes.2007 9 硕士学位论文 时该拉伸方法也存在一些不足之处,例如会对练习者的肌肉耐力与爆发力产生影 响,操作练习的具...
PNF法可以有效的避免牵张反射现象发生,降低肌肉拉伤的发生率,是一种非常有效的肌肉伸展和柔韧性练习新方法。关键词:柔韧性练习,PNF法 1 前言 与力量,速度,耐力练习相比,柔韧性练习在训练更加系统化,精细化,科学化的今天显得尤为重要了。柔韧性练习不仅被用于发展运动员的柔韧素质,而且被广泛地运用于准备活动...
PNF-Self Stretching Techniques. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2001;23(4):28-29. [6] Prentice,W.E.1983.A comparison of static stretching and PNF stretching for improving hip joint flexibility.Athletic Training 18: 56-59. [7] Sady,S.,M.Wortman,and D .Blanke .1982.Flexbility training...
PNF-Self Stretching Techniques. Joel Ninos. Strength and Conditioning Journal . 2001Joel Ninos.PNF-Self Stretching Techniques[J].Strength and Conditioning Journal,2001,23 (4):28-29.Joel Ninos.PNF-self stretching techniquesJoel Ninos.PNF-Self Stretching Techniques.Strength and Conditioning Journal. ...
PNF-Self Stretching Techniques. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2001;23(4):28-29. [6] Prentice,W.E.1983.A comparison of static stretching and PNF stretching for improving hip joint flexibility.Athletic Training 18: 56-59. [7] Sady,S.,M.Wortman,and D .Blanke .1982.Flexbility training...
PNF-Self Stretching Techniques. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 2001;23(4):28-29.6comparison of static stretching and PNF stretching for improving hip joint flexibility.Athletic Training 18: 56-59.7 Sady,S.,M.Wortman,and D .Blanke .1982.Flexbility training:Ballistic,static or propriceptive ...
An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.JoelNinos J. Flexibility facts: PNF stretching. J Strength Cond Res. 1996;18:42.Ninos, J. (1996). Flexibility facts: PNF stretching techniques. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 18(5), 42....
The effects of cold application and modified PNF stretching techniques on hip joint flexibility in college males. Res Q Exerc Sport 1992;63:311-4.CORNELIUS, W.L., K. EBRAHIM, J. WATSON, AND D.W. HILL. The effects of cold application and modified PNF stretching tech- niques on hip ...
Improvement of Hamstring Flexibility: A Comparison between Two PNF Stretching Techniques. International Journal of Sports Science and Engineering,4(1):25-33, (2010)Nagarwal AK, Zutshi K, Ram CS, Zafar R, Hamdard J. Improve- ment of Hamstring Flexibility: A Comparison between Two PNF Stretching...