Viral pneumonia can often be prevented with vaccines for the instigating viruses (the flu shot, for example). In addition, cleanliness can help prevent the spread of pneumonia-causing viruses: wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (especially before eating or preparing foo...
while an older vaccine, Pneumovax 23, protects against 23 additional subtypes. All people age 65 and older should receive both of these vaccines, but they can’t be given at the same time.
Despite the threat posed by pneumonia, many seniors don't understand their risk from the common lung infection, the researchers said. This results in inadequate pneumonia prevention efforts, especially low use of vaccines. In contrast, breaking a hip is viewed as a major concern for seniors, not...
Panel: 2 Pneumonia Vaccines Needed to Protect SeniorsSullivan, Michele G
Vaccines and boosters have helped slow the spread of the virus since their introduction in late 2020. Currently, prevention of the disease, or decreasing risk, is possible by wearing a mask (n-95 or KN-95 for best protection) and maintaining your vaccine immunity with regular boosters. You ...
Also in TTHealthWatch: minimum effective dose of pneumococcal vaccines Nov 30, 2024 RSV Severity, Deaths on Par With Flu and COVID Pre-vaccine era data suggest underrecognized burden of disease, especially in older adults Nov 13, 2024 Which High-Risk Patients Should Get the RSV Vaccine?
For more information about vaccinations, check out “Vaccines Aren’t Just for Children: What Seniors Should Know About Immunization.” There are also ways to reduce your risk that don’t involve vaccines, including: Quitting smoking Getting enough sleep ...
Of course, there's one way for grandma and grandad to cut their odds for bacterial pneumonia: Vaccination. Wylie's team noted that soon after kids routinely began getting the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV), pneumonia illnesses among children fell by over 90%. Vaccines can protect older fo...
The committee recommended that seniors get both the Prevnar 13 and the Pneumovax 23 vaccines. As their names imply, Prevnar 13 protects against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria, and the Pneumovax 23 protects against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria. Why not just get the vaccine that covers mo...
ends lives prematurely, even in wealthy countries today with access to the best health care. It also reinforces that the main tools to prevent the most common cause of pneumonia – streptococcus pneumoniae, responsible for an estimated 20 per cent of pneumonia cases in Australia – are vaccines...