Tests helpful in severe cases (low yield if moderate infection) Gram Stain Blood Culture Tests possibly useful in retrospect (identify outbreak) Mycoplasma pneumoniaetiter Chlamydia pneumoniaetiter Tests which are usually not helpful for diagnosis (but may be used for trending in the inpatient setting...
(sputum that has moderate or manyneutrophilsseen on gram stain) and possible when a pneumonia pathogen other thanLegionellais isolated from purulent sputum in theabsenceof a compatiblegram stain. We have now moved into the era ofmolecular diagnosticswithmultiplex polymerase chain reaction(PCR) as ...
Key variables associated with poor outcomes were having a moderate- or high-risk condition (chronic or immunocompromising), intensive care unit admission, and prior 90-day admission.#The burden of PD among hospitalized pediatric patients in the US remains substantial. Our study highlights the burden...
The risk of acute myocarditis was also significantly higher in COVID-19 patients who had no cardiovascular risk factors, less comorbidities, less organ dysfunction, and mild to moderate illness. Higher HR of acute myocarditis was observed in male compared to female patients. For thrombotic disease,...
Moderate and high correlations were observed between PM2.5 and SO42−, and between NO3−, NH4+ and OM after controlling for cities (correlation coefficient ranged from 0.381 to 0.892) (S1 Table). Temporally, no large variation of PM2.5, BC and NH4+ levels was observed year by year ...
The risk of acute myocarditis was also significantly higher in COVID-19 patients who had no cardiovascular risk factors, less comorbidities, less organ dysfunction, and mild to moderate illness. Higher HR of acute myocarditis was observed in male compared to female patients. For thrombotic disease,...
chronic pulmonary disease, rheumatologic disease, peptic ulcer disease, diabetes without chronic complications, diabetes with chronic complications, hemiplegia, renal disease, any malignancy including leukemia and lymphoma, mild liver disease, moderate or severe liver disease, metastatic solid tumor, and AID...
Explanatory variables as predictors of SAP among stroke patients were determined by logistic regression analysis. Bi-variate analysis revealed that stroke patients, who were elderly (age > 75 years), had dense hemiplegia, facial weakness, epileptic seizures, moderate to severe stroke (NIHSS score...
Using administra- tive and pharmacy data, we excluded people with chronic renal disease, cancer or cancer treatment, moderate or severe liver disease, hospice care, nursing home residence, or use of immunosuppressive drugs. We adjusted for covariates including age, sex, nu...
Viral pneumonia corresponds to at least moderate illness according to the National Institutes of Health classification.19 We used a viral pneumonia diagnosis (ICD-10-CM codes J12.8 and J12.9) to categorize patients by severity of COVID-19. Patients with a viral pneumonia diagnosis comprised 92% ...