气候变化与对文明的威胁 | PNAS Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 在今年4月4日关于气候变化的演讲中,联合国秘书长安东尼奥-古特雷斯痛斥"空洞的承诺,使我们走上了通往无法生存的世界的道路",并警告说 "我们正处在通往气候灾难的快车道上"。古特雷斯的声明...
Highlights from Latest Articles. PNAS in the News. Editorial and Journal Policies. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Biophysics and Computational Biology. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Image courtesy of Shutterstock/michelmond. http://www.pnas.org/...
Bellefroid E J, Hood A S, Hoffman P F, et al. Constraints on Paleoproterozoic atmospheric oxygen levels[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018: 201806216.(原文链接) Wallace M W, Shuster A, Greig A, et al. Oxygenat...
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Correction for "How to make models more useful," by C. Michael Barton, Allen Lee, Marco A. Janssen, Sander van der Leeuw, Gregory E. Tucker, Cheryl Porter, Joshua Greenberg, Laura Swantek, Karin Frank, Min Chen, and H. R. Albert Jagers, ...
Search for this keyword. Highlights from Latest Articles. PNAS in the News. Editorial and Journal Policies. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Biophysics and Computational Biology. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Image courtesy of Shutterstock/michelmond....
; however, its structure appears to be more easily perturbed, due to the more prominent role ofstochastic processesin shaping community assembly. This is corroborated by the major contribution of surface microbiomes to airborne bacteria (averaging 46.3%), while atmospheric conditions such as ...
Search for this keyword. Highlights from Latest Articles. PNAS in the News. Editorial and Journal Policies. Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Biophysics and Computational Biology. Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Image courtesy of Shutterstock/michelmond....
Reconciling early Deccan Traps CO2 outgassing andpre-KPB global climate[J]. Proceedings ofthe National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118(14) : e2007797118. Schaller M F,Wright J D, Kent D V. Atmospheric pCO2 perturbations associated with theCentral Atlantic magmatic province[J]. Science,2011, ...
atmospheric humidity, wind circulation, and land–sea thermal gradients, which ultimately increase precipitation (8,18). Although it is generally assumed that higher insolation during warmer interglacials also results in higher ISM rainfall intensity, solar modulation of monsoon intensity and variation ...
EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES Correction to Supporting Information for "Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface," by Laurence C. Smith, Kang Yang, Lincoln H Pitcher, Brandon T. Overstreet, ... None - 《Proceedings of the National Academy of Scien...