I configured a PN532 as target and a PN512 as the initiator. When I present the target in front of the initiator, it starts a NFC communication (data transfer). But I noticed the PN512 receives the data few milliseconds too late and it's what I want to understand. I changed the ...
I desperately need ISO 14443-4 card type to work (dual mode Fundan FM1280 card), but I am not an expert enough to be able to implement the support to this library. I am using ESP32 Dev Module (KMP Electronics PRODINo ESP32 v1) with the Seeed-Studio Grove-NFC PN532 module with h...
我使用的是PN532模块搭配ISO/IEC14443Type A-4卡,使用串口模式。这个卡是使用APDU(Application Protocol Data Unit--应用协议数据单元)的指令形式操作的。我拿到的卡片是由发卡商提供的,发卡指的是卡的初始化,即卡号写入和密钥写入的过程,完成后卡片才可发放出去; 发卡: 注入卡号,只能注入一次; 注入密钥,各个密钥...
1)PVDD引脚拉高 2)I2C模式下发送地址48h,SPI模式下将NSS拉低,串口模式下的其实数据头必须为0x55,0x55,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xFF,0x03,0xFD,0xD4,0x14,0x01,0x17,0x00 3)主机必须发送命令14 02 00(虚拟模式)或者14 01(正常模式) 五...