Maximum Power(Pmax/W) 420 425 430 435 440 Voltage at Maximum Power(Vmp/V) 32.16 32.37 32.58 32.78 32.99 Current at Maximum Power(Imp/A) 13.06 13.13 13.20 13.27 13.34 Open Circuit Voltage(Voc/V) 38.74 38.95 39.16 ...
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The present invention relates to apparatus for and methods of dyeing or coloring textiles, yarns, fibres, fabric, skeins and the like and is applicable par... The present invention relates to apparatus for and methods of dyeing or coloring textiles, yarns, fibres, fabric, skeins and the like...
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The route choice behavior of toll route users and their perceived values of time (VOTs), which determine their choice of route, are critical in modeling the toll income stream of a proposed toll road. This is also fundamental in assessing the financial risks of the financiers of the toll ro...