PN-CD701作为夏普全球首款获得认证的Windows协作显示器,已通过Skype for Business认证,是下一代4K 70英寸交互式显示器,可实现更好的空间利用率和更高效的协作。其亮度为350cd/m2,对比度为4000:1。 其搭载10点投射电容触控技术,不仅使用了夏普屡获殊荣的技术,还内置有麦克风、高品质摄像头和IoT传感器中枢,可与最佳...
The default settings of 70-inch SHARP PN-V701 displays of the TP3106 are the optimal settings. You are not advised to modify the default settings. If you do want to modify the default settings, follow the instructions in the user manual of the displays. If you modify th...
Methods ELISA and flow cytometry were used to measure binding of anti-CD73. Humanized NSG-SGM3 mice were used to evaluate effects of Mupa on human anti-SARS CoV2 spike protein (SP) response. CD73 expression in biopsies was measured by immunohistochemistry. Mupa (IV q 3 weeks) with or ...
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1P、1PN、2P、3P、3PN、4P断路器区别及应用情况讨论.docx 一、对于微型断路器而言,1P+N、1P、2P 一般用来作为单相用电器的通断控制 区别: 1P---单极断路器,具有热脱扣功能,仅能控制火线(相线),模数18mm; 1P+N---单极+N 断路器,同时控制火线、零线,但只有火线具有热脱扣功能;模数同样为18mm; 2P---单相...