PN Meaning ThePNmeaning is "Part Number". ThePN abbreviationhas 370 different full form. PN Full Forms Part NumberMark and Piece Mark.A reference number attributed to a particular part. Each company uses its own system of numbering the parts.Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Auto, ...
Definition & Meaning of "PNBF"What does pnbf mean? View the definition of pnbf and all related slang terms containing pnbf below: pnbf : Potential new boy friendUsage of PNBFThe abbreviation PNBF stands for 'Potential New Boyfriend' and is commonly used to describe someone who you are...
While the algorithm tries to split each set in equal parts, giving more than one dimension might result in unequal parts. A dimension can be skipped for splitting, by giving it a factor 1, meaning one part, therefor no split on this dimension....
aDo you have regular access (meaning access one or more times a week) to a computer with high speed internet access? 您是否得以进入规则(意思通入一个或更多次每星期)对一台计算机以高速网络进入?[translate] aThe meeting generally lasted from ten days to a fortnight or even there weeks. 正在翻译...
Negation is a complex phenomenon that "relates an expression e to another expression with a meaning that is in some way opposed to the meaning of e" (Horn and Wansing, 2017). Cognitively, negation "involves some comparison between a real situation lacking some particular element and an imaginal...
A description of specific functions in terms of the MULTI-FUNCTION pin I/V characteristic is shown in Figure 11. The horizontal axis represents MULTI-FUNCTION pin current with positive polarity indicating currents flowing into the pin. The meaning of the vertical axes varies with functions. ...
In the negative logic version, the ON/OFF signal is active low (meaning that a low turns the converter on). Figure A details five possible circuits for driving the ON/OFF pin. Figure B is a detailed look of the internal ON/OFF circuitry. REMOTE SENSE(+) (Pins 8 and 6): The SENSE...
Interaction edges may be coloured for visual emphasis but as with nodes, the definition of meaning is not reliant on colour. A number of edges contain an in-line annotation node to indicate the 'type' of interaction, as is often depicted by the use of different arrowheads. An edge ...
By the way, is there an emoji meaning clumsy?Clumsy, means physically awkward – someone who’s clumsy falls over a lot and drops things.Anyway, you were saying emoticons aren’t as new as I think? 顺便说一下,有表情符号表示笨拙的吗?Clumsy,是指尴尬的,笨拙的。某人经常摔跤、掉东西可以说是...
Medical Devices means a medical device within the meaning of point (a) of Article 1(2) of Directive 93/42/EEC and which is also EEE [Source: EU Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous ...