pMyb-TA-Luc (报告基因质粒)是碧云天自行研发的用于检测Myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog (Myb)转录活性水平的报告基因质粒。本质粒是以碧云天的pGL6-TA质粒为模板,在其多克隆位点插入了5个Myb结合位点,可以高灵敏度地检测Myb的激活水平。 本报告基因质粒的基本信息如下: Name pMyb-TA-Luc Backbone pGL6-TA...
Using molecular markers and bulked segregant analysis of the F-2:3 lines from YingBo 700 x Mingxian 169, PmYB was mapped to the multi-allelic Pm2 region of chromosome arm 5DS co-segregated with the sequence- characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker SCAR112 and flanked by the simple ...
BL-PMYB-CJS DatasheetIC型号: BL-PMYB-CJS PDF描述: Bi-Color DOMILED High brightness bi-color surface mount LED. 文件大小: 173.74KB 芯片厂家: BRIGHT [BRIGHT LED ELECTRONICS CORP] 阅览下载 纠错 0 扫码查看芯片数据手册 上传产品规格书 BL-PMYB-CJS相关型号PDF文件下载 型号 版本 描述 厂商 ...
B-Myb plays an essential role in cell cycle progression, and activation by E7 is likely to contribute to the mitogenic activity of the viral oncoprotein. Regulation of the B-myb promoter in NIH3T3 cells correlates with binding of distinct p107-containing complexes at the E2F binding site, and...
B-Myb plays an essential role in cell cycle progression, and activation by E7 is likely to contribute to the mitogenic activity of the viral oncoprotein. Regulation of the B-myb promoter in NIH3T3 cells correlates with binding of distinct p107-containing complexes at the E2F binding site, and...
F Corradini1, R Bussolari1, V Cesi3, J Vergalli2, G Ferrari-Amorotti1, V Fragliasso1, AR Soliera1, S Cattelani1, G Raschella` 3, TL Holyoake4 and B Calabretta1,2 The c-Myb gene encodes the p75c-Myb isoform and less-abundant proteins generated by alternatively spliced transcripts...
中文名 p160 myb-binding protein 英文名 p160 myb-binding protein 英文别名 p160 myb-binding protein您刚刚浏览过 p160 myb-binding protein 刚刚更新的化工产品 402567-02-6 402562-42-9 393588-23-3 393517-28-7 393511-40-5 393121-34-1 393109-13-2 393085-31-9 96149-28-9 402489-01-4 401915...
BL-PMYB-CJS - - - - 终端采购配单精选 深圳市壹芯创科技有限公司 QQ: 电话:0755-82780082 联系人:杨小姐 地址:深圳市福田区振兴路156号上步工业区405栋3层 BL-PMYB-CJS - - - - 终端采购配单精选 更多配单专家 查询更多BL-PMYB-CJS供应信息AMERICAN BRIGHT 光电股份有限公司。