以2022年 3月开展的特高压芜湖站 T033断路器间隔 综合治理工作为例。 芜湖站T033断路器大 型现场工作是 2022年国网安徽电力系统内首个变电 专业 Ⅰ级作业风险现场。工作内容包括断路器治理、例检消缺、在线监测装置安装等共计 23个检修项目。来自安徽超高压公司、西开电气、中国电科院 ·28· 马晓薇,樊培培,章...
Additional information Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-49613-2. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Florence L. Marlow. Peer review information Nature Communications thanks the anon- ...
The results reveal that there was a very highly significant correlation (p-value <0.05) between the selected nodes. The highest total force was yielded by WE-norm followed by SDAPM and SDPM. The association will further help to investigate that which extracted features are more positively or ...
PMSCsgenderprivatization of securitycorporate identityWhile war and the military have been recognized as being gendered sites, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) are only rarely studied through a gender lens. Compared to functional, political-instrumental or ideational explanations with ...