If you've printed RGB and it looks weird, you'll want to learn about converting Pantone to CMYK ASAP! PMS to CMYK isn't as hard as you think!
CMYK to Pantone(coated color) CMYK to Uncoated PMS(uncoated color) CMYK to RGB(CMYK, RGB, HEX color code converter) CMYK to HEX(CMYK, HEX, RGB color code converter) RGB to HSV(RGB, HSV, HSL, HEX color code converter) Find PMS color on an image(Logo color picker) Image color picker...
RGB to Pantone CMYK to Pantone (coated color) CMYK to Uncoated PMS (uncoated color) CMYK to RGB (CMYK, RGB, HEX color code converter) CMYK to HEX (CMYK, HEX, RGB color code converter) RGB to HSV (RGB, HSV, HSL, HEX color code converter) Find PMS color on an image (Logo color ...