咨询记录 · 回答于2023-05-13 PMS+Bright+orange+u颜色 已赞过 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐:特别推荐 下载百度知道APP,抢鲜体验 使用百度知道APP,立即抢鲜体验。你的手机镜头里或许有别人想知道的答案。 扫描二维码下载× 个人、企业类侵权投诉 违法有害信息,请在下方选择后提交 类别 色情低...
18-1945 TCX / Bright Rose Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Opaltone / OMS ★ 4742#c4175a ΔE = 0.622 / LRV ≈ 13.1% Pantone / PMS ★ 7636 XGC#c11957 ΔE = 0.901 / LRV ≈ 12.7% Matthews Paint ★ Pairie Rose / 3415#c4215d ΔE = 1.051 / LRV ≈ 13.6% Ressource Peintures ★ Shoc...
★ Orange Terra / S 0585-Y60R#ef6924 ΔE = 2.095 / LRV ≈ 28.6% Games Workshop - Citadel ★ Troll Slayer Orange#f36d2d ΔE = 2.179 / LRV ≈ 30.2% Snowcem ★ Bright Ochre / S14X1#f8702c ΔE = 2.18 / LRV ≈ 31.7% ICI Paints ★ 3314 Vivid Orange 69YR 34/780#f8712b ΔE...
358 Calypso Pen 804 Bright Orange 358 Calypso Pen 806 Hot Pink 358 Calypso Pen 809 Neon Yellow 359 Fiji™ Pen 3125 Turquoise 359 Fiji™ Pen 124 Sun Gold 359 Fiji™ Pen 369 Lime Green 359 Fiji™ Pen 1525 Burnt Orange 359 Fiji™ Pen 253 Berry Purple 359 Fiji™ Pen 194 Garnet...
It's a bright and sunny day! Get everyone smiling with any of these yellow Pantone colors. These shades are excellent for events in the spring like Easter parades or garden parties. PMS 100C PMS 106C PMS 102C Top Orange Pantone Colors ...
★ Midnight Blue / 2427C#3f4653 ΔE = 1.271 / LRV ≈ 6.1% Brighto Paints ★ 5-40-6 Tender Night#454856 ΔE = 1.293 / LRV ≈ 6.6% eicó ★ Malt#414852 ΔE = 1.332 / LRV ≈ 6.4% Jotun ★ 4413 / Vinternatt#414550 ΔE = 1.359 / LRV ≈ 6.0% Valspar Paint ★ Downing Stre...
If it isn’t already open, open the Swatches window by clicking Window and then Swatches. Each Pantone color in the design will be labeled with PANTONE followed by the PMS name or reference number (such as 801 U or Bright Green C). ...
#1b5468 ΔE = 2.22 / LRV ≈ 7.6% Brighto Paints ★ 4-33-7 Cool Lagoon#1e5060 ΔE = 2.232 / LRV ≈ 6.9% Color Blindness Simulation Monochromacy Achromatopsia#3c3c3c Achromatomaly#21474f Dichromacy Protanopia#242561 Deuteranopia#1f1960 Tritanopia#045e5d Trichromacy Protanomaly#0f3764...
TYPE-C 6p直插防水母座 H=6... 马可会员 宣坤自动化设备(上海)有限公司 身份验证: 经营模式:生产型 注册资本:500万元 企业类型: 公司地区:中国 主营产品:连接器,传感器,滤皮器,开关,继电器 进入店铺 产品分类 连接器 滤波器 保险丝/熔断器 电气设备用线缆 继电器...
PMS色卡 印刷的潘通色色号对照表 以下颜色仅供参考,在计算机屏幕上看到的Pantone 色卡颜色可能与实际的颜色有一定的偏差,准确的颜色请以Pantone 彩色出版为准。Pantone色卡对照表 Reflex Blue Red 032 Orange 021 PMS 355 Yellow Violet 颜色图表 PMS 021 PMS 032 PMS 100 PMS 101 PMS 102 PMS 103 PMS 104 PMS...