The hexadecimal color code #485cc7 is a shade of blue. In the RGB color model #485cc7 is composed of 28.24% red, 36.08% green and 78.04% blue. In the HSL color space #485cc7 has a hue of 231° (degrees), 53% saturation and 53% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelengt...
#48536d #3d455a #313848 #272b37 #1c1f26 #121317 #000000 / #000 Paints Exact Matching Paints P 107-16 U Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Sikkens ★ U6.27.18#48546d ΔE = 0.626 / LRV ≈ 8.8% ECOS Paints ★ Quiet Peace (0592)#49536b ΔE = 0.727 / LRV ≈ 8.7% Colortrend ★ 059...
582 MaxGlide Pure Pen 485 Red 583 MaxGlide® Color Write Pen 7488 Lime Green 583 MaxGlide® Color Write Pen 306 Sky blue 585 MaxGlide Click™ Metallic Stylus Pen (Pat #D712,479) Black Metallic Black 585 MaxGlide Click™ Metallic Stylus Pen (Pat #D712,479) 2738 Indigo Blue 585...
PMS 485 PMS 486 PMS 487 PMS 488 PMS 489 PMS 490 PMS 491 PMS 492 PMS 493 PMS 494 PMS 495 PMS 496 PMS 497 PMS 498 PMS 499 PMS 500 PMS 501 PMS 502 PMS 503 PMS 4975 PMS 4985 PMS 4995 PMS 5005 PMS 5015 ... provides PMS color matching services for all custom printing orders. We're a wholesale supplier of customized sunglasses.
1、Pantone Matching System Color ChartPantone ? Matching System Color ChartPMS Colors Used For Pri ntinggraphicsUse this guide to assist your color select ion and specificati on process.This chart is a reference guide only. Pantone colors on computer scree ns may vary based on the card and ...
monitorusedinyoursystem.FortrueaccuracyusethePantone ColorPublication. Process YellowPMS100PMS101PMS102Pantone YellowPMS103PMS104 PMS105PMS106PMS107PMS108PMS109PMS110PMS 111PMS112PMS113PMS114PMS115PMS116PMS117PMS 118PMS119PMS120PMS121PMS122PMS123PMS124PMS ...
PANTONE色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS...
PMS 485 PMS 486 PMS 487 PMS 488 PMS 489 PMS 490 PMS 491 PMS 492 PMS 494 PMS 495 PMS 496 PMS 497 PMS 4975 PMS 498 PMS 4985 PMS 499 PMS 4995 PMS 500 PMS 5005 PMS 501 PMS 5015 PMS 502 PMS 5025 PMS 503 PMS 5035 PMS 504 PMS 505 PMS 506...
Pantone Matching System Color Chart PMS 468 PMS 4625 PMS 4635 PMS 4645 PMS 4655 PMS 4665 PMS 4675 PMS 4685 PMS 469 PMS 4695 PMS 4705 PMS 4715 PMS 4725 PMS 4735 PMS 4745 PMS 4755 PMS 476 PMS 477 PMS 478 PMS 479 PMS 480 PMS 481 PMS 482 PMS 483 PMS 484 PMS 485 PMS 486 PMS 487...