provides PMS color matching services for all custom printing orders. We're a wholesale supplier of customized sunglasses.
1、Pantone Matching System Color ChartPantone ? Matching System Color ChartPMS Colors Used For Pri ntinggraphicsUse this guide to assist your color select ion and specificati on process.This chart is a reference guide only. Pantone colors on computer scree ns may vary based on the card and ...
For true accuracy use the Pantone Color Publication. Process Yellow Pantone Yellow PMS 100 PMS 101 PMS 102 PMS 103 PMS 104 PMS 105 PMS 106 PMS 107 PMS 108 PMS 109 PMS 110 PMS 111 PMS 112 PMS 113 PMS 114 PMS 115 PMS 116 PMS 117 PMS 118 PMS 119 PMS...
Color Space Conversions Decimal 4207403 Binary 01000000, 00110011, 00101011 Hexadecimal #40332b LRV ≈ 3.6% Closest short hex #432 ΔE = 4.091 RGB rgb(64, 51, 43) RGBA rgba(64, 51, 43, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.24682, G: 0.21232, B: 0.18523 / #3f362f ΔE = 2.026 rg ...
PMS 432 PMS 433 PMS 434 PMS 435 PMS 436 PMS 437 PMS 438 PMS 439 PMS 440 PMS 441 PMS 442 PMS 443 PMS 444 PMS 445 PMS 446 PMS 447 PMS 448 PMS 4485 PMS 449 PMS 4495 PMS 450 PMS 4505 PMS 451 PMS 4515 PMS 452 PMS 4525 PMS 453 PMS 4535...
PMSColorsUsedForPrinting Usethisguidetoassistyourcolorselectionandspecification process. Thischartisareferenceguideonly.Pantonecolorson computerscreensmayvarybasedonthegraphicscardand monitorusedinyoursystem.FortrueaccuracyusethePantone ColorPublication. Process ...
PMSColorChart Usethisguidetoassistyourcolorselectionandspecificationprocess. Thischartisintendedasareferenceguideonly.PANTONEComputerVideosimulationsdisplayedmaynotexactly matchPANTONE®-identifiedcolorstandards.UsecurrentPANTONEColorPublicationsformostaccuratecolor. ...
PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS 107PMS 108PMS 109PMS ...
#885554 #704746 #593939 #432c2c #2f201f #1b1413 #000000 / #000 Paints Exact Matching Paints 202 UP Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Mylands of London ★ Brick Red#895353 ΔE = 0.851 / LRV ≈ 12.1% Earthpaint ★ 4-3-6 Amber Waves#885552 ΔE = 0.87 / LRV ≈ 12.3% NOROO Paint ...
国际标准颜色色卡潘通卡颜色比对PantonePMScol.docx,国际标准颜色色卡潘通卡颜色比对 Pantone PMS col Pantone Coated Stock - PMS Color, Chart, Book, Guide, Chip, Sample Swatch Process 100C 106C 113C 120C 1205C 127C 134C 1345C 141C YellowC Process 101C 107C 114