PANTONE色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS...
色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONEMATCHINGSYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡,音译的名称为,PANTONE色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONEC/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通, ProcessYellowPMS100PMS101PMS102PantoneellowPMS103PMS104PMS105PMS106PMS107PMS108PMS109PMS110PMS111PMS112PMS113PMS114PMS115PMS116PMS117PMS118MS119PMS12...
PANTONE色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS...
1、Process Yellow PMS 100 PMS 101 PMS 102 Pantone Yellow PMS 103 PMS 104 PMS 105 PMS 106 PMS 107 PMS 108 PMS 109 PMS 110 PMS 111 PMS 112 PMS 113 PMS 114 PMS 115 PMS 116 PMS 117 PMS 118 PMS 119 2、PMS 120 PMS 121 PMS 122 PMS 123 PMS 124 PMS 125 PMS 1205 PMS 1215 PMS ...
L: 30.585, u: -6.613, v: -21.763 CIELCH / LCHab L: 30.585, C: 16.976, H: 278.318 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 30.585, C: 22.746, H: 253.097 Hunter-Lab L: 25.45, a: 0.244, b: -11.228 CIECAM02 J: 22.009, C: 23.094, h: -101.638, Q: 92.43, M: 20.196, s: 46.743, H: 310.237 CA...
PANTONE色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS...
The hexadecimal color code #424f3c is a medium dark shade of green. In the RGB color model #424f3c is composed of 25.88% red, 30.98% green and 23.53% blue. In the HSL color space #424f3c has a hue of 101° (degrees), 14% saturation and 27% lightness. This color has an approx...
PANTONE色卡中国区销售中心 PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM简称PMS,国外客户通常称为PMS色卡;音译的名称为:PANTONE 色卡,通常您需要了解PATNONE C/U系列色卡即可与客户进行色彩沟通! Process Yellow PMS 100PMS 101PMS 102Pantone Yellow PMS 103PMS 104 PMS 105PMS 106PMS...
L: 26.907, u: -6.464, v: -11.22 CIELCH / LCHab L: 26.907, C: 9.711, H: 260.134 CIELUV / LCHuv L: 26.907, C: 12.949, H: 240.053 Hunter-Lab L: 22.496, a: -2.222, b: -5.17 CIECAM02 J: 19.192, C: 15.84, h: -116.496, Q: 86.313, M: 13.852, s: 40.06, H: 302.832 CAM...