Pantone / PMS P 102-3 C / #9898c4 Hex Color Code The hexadecimal color code #9898c4 is a medium light shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #9898c4 is composed of 59.61% red, 59.61% green and 76.86% blue. In the HSL color space #9898c4 has a hue of 240° (degrees)...
Hex RGB HSL #3e295c foreground Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.Salvador Dali … #3e295c background They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.Andy Warhol … #3e295c shadow Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.Clau...
#546223 #505a2e #4c5137 #47493f #414146 #3a394d #313154 Monochromatic Colors #435213 #495718 #4e5c1e #546223 #5a6828 #5f6d2e #657333 Tones #546223 #525d2a #4f572f #4d5235 #4a4d3a #47483e #434343 Tints and Shades #546223 to white #546223 #707a45 #8b9368 #a8ad8c #...
Hex RGB HSL #827026 foreground An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.James McNeill Whistler … #827026 background Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.Henry Ward Beecher … #827026 shadow If I could say it in words...
works properly.2.5.3 Replacing a C6620 CameraPrerequisites ● A camera needs to be replaced. ● A spare camera of the same model is available and functional.Procedure Step 1 Use an H5 hex key to loosen the screws on the adapter ring, rotate the dome ...
Toggle Default Value Operations Switch 1 OFF Remaining in OFF 2 OFF Remaining in OFF 3 ON Remaining in ON 4 ON Remaining in ON 5 OFF Remaining in OFF 6 ON Remaining in ON 7 OFF ● Not in teamwork mode: Remaining in OFF ● In teamwork mode: Set toggle switch 7 on the main control...
There are only 3 Guest Service Status values: 1. DND ON 2. Make Up Room ON 3. All OFF It is not expected that both DND & MUR will be ON at same time. If value All OFF is sent PMS will set the Guest Service Status to OFF, no matter which of the Status was set to ON ...
There are only 3 Guest Service Status values: 1. DND ON 2. Make Up Room ON 3. All OFF It is not expected that both DND & MUR will be ON at same time. If value All OFF is sent PMS will set the Guest Service Status to OFF, no matter which of the Status was set to ON ...
2 - 长途。StxValue = 2EtxValue = 3ENQ = 5;ACK = 6;NACK = 21 女佣状态消息 女佣状态消息用于允许清洁工通过电话设置房间的状态。女佣状态消息由相关房间的呼叫和输入特殊功能代码触发,随后输入相应的代码来指定房间的状态。 例如,从房间拨打 “*682” 将触发一个女仆状态消息给PMS,该消息将设置房间的状态...
FIAS 中明确要求支持<ENQ>,FIAS 的详细描述:<ENQ> (Hex 05) - <ENQ> 在收到不正确的应答或者没有<ACK>/<NAK>应答时被使用. 不正确的应答包括非 <ACK>、<NAK>、<STX>或 <XOF>,<ENQ>过程最多重复3次,无任何应答则丢弃本次请求,做详细日志。 当发送的指令在2秒内没有收到<ACK>/<NAK>,或者...