CMYK RYB Color Space Conversions Decimal 41862 Binary 00000000, 10100011, 10000110 Hexadecimal #00a386 LRV ≈ 27.9% Closest short hex #0a8 ΔE = 2.679 RGB rgb(0, 163, 134) RGBA rgba(0, 163, 134, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.35782, G: 0.63335, B: 0.52616 / #5ba286 ΔE = 6....
CMYK cyan: 24% (0.238), magenta: 17% (0.175), yellow: 0% (0.0), key: 75% (0.753) CMY cyan: 81% (0.812), magenta: 80% (0.796), yellow: 75% (0.753) XYZ X: 3.344, Y: 3.443, Z: 5.19 xyY x: 0.279, y: 0.287, Y: 3.443 CIELab L: 21.738, a: 1.172, b: -7.451 CIELuv...
CMYK cyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 5% (0.053), yellow: 5% (0.053), key: 26% (0.263) CMY cyan: 26% (0.263), magenta: 30% (0.302), yellow: 30% (0.302) XYZ X: 44.694, Y: 45.747, Z: 48.586 xyY x: 0.321, y: 0.329, Y: 45.747 CIELab L: 73.381, a: 3.55, b: 1.273 CIELuv ...
hue: 286° (285.641), saturation: 100% (1.0), value: 46% (0.459) HSP hue: 285.641, saturation: 100.0%, perceived brightness: 24.581% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 290.157, S: 100.001, L: 21.611 Cubehelix H: -81.697, S: 1.496, L: 0.155 TSL T: 5.233, S: 0.466, L: 0.157 CMYK cyan: 24% ...
hue: 286° (285.981), saturation: 100% (1.0), value: 42% (0.42) HSP hue: 285.981, saturation: 100.0%, perceived brightness: 22.581% HSLuv (HUSL) H: 290.689, S: 100.001, L: 19.456 Cubehelix H: -81.399, S: 1.469, L: 0.143 TSL T: 5.225, S: 0.467, L: 0.144 CMYK cyan: 23% ...
#32508e linear gradient to complementary #a3a51b #32508e #535d80 #696a71 #7b7861 #8a8750 #97963b #a3a51b Monochromatic Colors #1f427e #264783 #2c4b89 #32508e #385593 #3e5a99 #435e9e Tones #32508e #3e5286 #48557f #4f5877 #565a6f #5b5d68 #606060 Tints and Shades #3...
Split #008095 #286d49 Triad #006b95 #4d6530 Square #6e6227 #009589 #29466c Tetradic #6f4926 #009589 #006b95 CIELab CIELCHuv CAM16 JCh Okhsl JzCzHz HSL #64313e linear gradient to complementary #009589 #64313e #62434a #5e5456 #576562 #4c756f #38857c #009589 Monochromatic Colo...
There's no retirement for an artist, it's your way of living so there's no end to it.Henry Moore … Color Charts RGB CMYK RYBColor Space Conversions Decimal 7550506 Binary 01110011, 00110110, 00101010 Hexadecimal #73362a LRV ≈ 6.5% Closest short hex #732 ΔE = 2.363 RGB rgb(115, 54...
CMYK cyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 37% (0.375), yellow: 17% (0.174), key: 12% (0.122) CMY cyan: 12% (0.122), magenta: 45% (0.451), yellow: 27% (0.275) XYZ X: 48.876, Y: 38.109, Z: 50.671 xyY x: 0.355, y: 0.277, Y: 38.109 CIELab L: 68.101, a: 38.076, b: -9.986 CI...
#403f6f to black #403f6f #36355c #2d2c4a #242238 #1a1927 #110f17 #000000 / #000 Paints Exact Matching Paints 19-3832 TCX / Navy Blue Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Resene ★ Wave Rider V42-060-286#413f6e ΔE = 0.33 / LRV ≈ 5.8% Benjamin Moore ★ Grape Gum / 2068-20#413d...