#55951b to black #55951b #487b1b #3b6119 #2e4916 #223213 #161c0c #000000 / #000 Paints Exact Matching Paints 2277 C Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Ford ★ Brite Lime Green#5a9328 ΔE = 1.49 / LRV ≈ 23.2% Resene ★ Limeade G62-123-120#5f9727 ΔE = 1.697 / LRV ≈ 24.7%...
Hex RGB HSL #0092bc foreground The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.Alberto Giacometti … #0092bc background Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.Salvador Dali … #0092bc shadow No great artist ever sees things as the...
集成电路IRFP250MPBF TO-247-3智能电源IGBT达林顿现货库存 封装规格 PBSS5260PAPSX、BC807-25LZ-1、PMBS3904,235、BC850C,235、PMBT5550,235、BC69-16PASX、PMST3906,135、BC806-25R、PBSS305ND,115、BCX52-10TF、BC849C,235、BC846BS,135、2PA1576R,135、PBHV9115TVL、BCP69,135、PMBT2222,235、PB...
Closest short hex #562 ΔE = 1.707 RGB rgb(84, 98, 35) RGBA rgba(84, 98, 35, 1.0) Adobe RGB (1998) R: 0.34811, G: 0.3844, B: 0.17314 / #59622c ΔE = 2.248 rg chromaticity r: 0.387, g: 0.452, b: 0.161 RYB red: 13.725%, yellow: 38.431%, blue: 19.216% Android / andro...
#897322 to black #897322 #715f1f #5a4c1b #443917 #2f2813 #1c180b #000000 / #000Paints Exact Matching Paints 119 C Pantone / PMS Similar Paints Valspar Paint ★ The Battery#887422 ΔE = 0.641 / LRV ≈ 17.8% Australian Standard AS2700 ★ Y41 Olive Yellow#8e7425 ΔE = 1.409 /...
PMS390C HEXa6ce39 Red CMYK0/100/100/0 RGB237/28/36 PMS485C HEXed1c24 Useforcalloutsandothersubtlehighlights,aswellasdifferentiatinginformationalelements. Bluescanbeusedinheadlinesandsubheads. Blues,Yellow,GreenandOrangecanbeusedtoemphasizekeywordsinalayout. ...
Version 2.20.17 adjusted Data Type section code description adjusted Data Format columns in Record ID Types and in Appendix C - Field ID and Code Table Version 2.20.18 Date September 2017 October 2017 Version number and change description added notes to Appendix B - Tables GL - GuestLanguages...
Version 2.20.17 adjusted Data Type section code description adjusted Data Format columns in Record ID Types and in Appendix C - Field ID and Code Table Version 2.20.18 Date September 2017 October 2017 Version number and change description added notes to Appendix B - Tables GL - GuestLanguages...
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Hex RGB HSL #f9423a foreground A painting is never finished - it simply stops in interesting places.Paul Gardner … #f9423a background Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.Scott Adams … #f9423a shadow It is not the language of painters but...