估算类型(Types of Estimate) 准确度(Accuracy) 说明 其他称谓(Other Expressions) 量级估算(Order-of-Magnitude estimates) -25%-+75% 1.通常在概念形成与启动阶段 2.基于具有比例因子的某一工作范围 3.用于可行性研究 棒球场估算(Ball-park estimates) ...
Which of the following is an element of the project plan that addresses this in a systemic way? A:项目变更需要获得高级管理人员批准的质量政策 A quality policy requiring project changes to be approved by senior managers B:能够从新需求中识别风险的风险应对计划 A risk response plan that would ...
After some of the project deliverables have been produced, The program manager transfers two of the project team members to a higher priority project & provides you with replacement. The new team members lack the experience to fill in the roles. You realize that performance measurement baseline is...
估算的准确度: 估算类型(Types 准确度 of Estimate) (Accuracy) 说明 其他称谓(Other Expressions) 量级 ( 粗略 ) 估算 -25%-+75% 1.通常在概念形成与启动阶段 棒球场估算(Ball-park estimates) (Order-of-Magni 2.基于具有比例因子的某一工 C 概念估算(conceptual estimates) tude estimates) 作范围 可行...
in the same town and the management asks the project manager to come up with a rough estimate that the company can bid for the new project. The bidding must be completed within the next three days. Which of the following types of estimates should the project manager provide in this ...
in the same town and the management asks the project manager to come up with a rough estimate that the company can bid for the new project. The bidding must be completed within the next three days. Which of the following types of estimates should the project manager provide in this ...
Which of the following types of estimates should the project manager provide in this situation? A:类比估算 Analogous B:参数估算 Parametric C:散点估算 Three-point D:准备金分析 Reserve analysis 正确答案:A 你的答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)类比估算。在已经明确定义需求,且不会出现重大范围变更的情况...
估算类型(TypesofEstimate) 准确度(Accuracy) 说明 其他称谓(OtherExpressions) 量级估算(Order-of-Magnitudeestimates) -25%-+75% 1.通常在概念形成与启动阶段 2.基于具有比例因子的某一工作范围 3.用于可行性研究 棒球场估算(Ball-parkestimates) C概念估算(conceptualestimates) 可行性估算(Feasibilityestimates) SW...
估算类型(Types of Estimate) 准确度(Accuracy) 说明 其他称谓(Other Expressions) 量级估算(Order-of-Magnitude estimates) -25%-+75% 1.通常在概念形成与启动阶段 2.基于具有比例因子的某一工作范围 3.用于可行性研究 棒球场估算(Ball-park estimates) C概念估算(conceptual estimates) 可行性估算(Feasibility es...