然后点击“应用”按钮进入课程或培训详情页(备注:使用搜索引擎搜索关键词“PDU Claim code”可找到一大...
然后点击“应用”按钮进入课程或培训详情页(备注:使用搜索引擎搜索关键词“PDU Claim code”可找到一大...
If you see a red error message when claiming your PDUs, please note that a PDU claim code is not required. This is only a warning message, and you may ignore it. According to PMI there is “no way to turn this off – it will keep on appearing for the next PDU claims.” For the...
1、 概念篇概念篇 问答篇问答篇 演示篇演示篇 概念篇概念篇 误区一:只有靠参加神州巨龙的活动和课 程才可以获得pdu 误区二:参加完活动后并拿到pdu证书, pdu就自动累加了 1、 pdu的概念的概念 为了加强pmp专业持续发展,维持pmp的国际证书信誉, 要求每一位pmp必须在每三年的ccr周期内获得并申报 最少60个pdu。
Attend Chapter events or other conferences. Event organizers will provide you with a PDU Claim Code, which you can use to report PDUs. Read books relevant to project management and claim PDUs under the “Read” category. By following these tips, you can earn PDUs at a comfortable pace while...
A Professional Development Unit (PDU) equals one hour of professional learning. Learning new skills, writing articles, teaching, giving presentations, or reading books and journals count toward PDUs. To complete the CCR cycle and renew your PMP certification, you must earn 60 PDUs within three yea...
Since 2005, we have trained more than 20,000 students and delivered more than 300,000 hours of 100% online training. We issue PDUs for the Category "Course or Training” (formerly known as category B). Save extra money with the coupon code60PDUPMCAMPUSApply this coupon a checkout>>> ...
A step by step roadmap for certified project managers for their PMP renewal. Includes tips on how to earn PMP PDU.