进入PMP官网,点左上角的“certification”找到PMP,点进去(登录或者注册账号),填写报名信息,注意带" ...
在PMI官方网站首页,点击“Register”按钮,进入PMP考试报名页面。 2、创建账户 在PMP考试报名页面,点击“Create an Account”按钮,进入创建账户页面。 按照要求填写个人信息,包括姓名、身份证号、邮箱、密码等。 点击“Create Account”按钮,创建账户。 3、提交报名申请 个人主页点击Certification之后在点击Ready to apply,...
1、英文报名 在PMI网站上提交对应的英文材料信息,一般被称为PMP的英文报名,PMP英文报名不限时间,随时可以报名,一般在PMI网站进行报名,报名成功后在一年内可以进行中文报名,如果超出一年有效期,则需要重新进行英文报名,报名最后一步中有可能会抽中资格审查,如果抽中资格审查,就需要将对应纸质材料邮寄给PMI指定地点进行审...
1)、在PMI官网(英文)注册账号,提交个人资料进行报名。 PMI官方将对部分学员提交的资料进行审核,并会对部分学员进行审查,被抽中审核者需要按照官方指定要求邮寄相关资料至PMI(美国)进行审查,未抽中的就是报名通过,国内报名成功一年内为有效期,在此期间内考试或重考都不要再进行报名,超过一年要重新报名和缴纳考试费。
1、访问PMI官网,点击“Log In”按钮,输入PMI账户的用户名和密码进行登录。2、登录成功后,进入“My PMI”页面,找到并点击“Certification Status”或“证书状态”部分。在这里,您将能够看到自己的PMP®证书的详细信息,包括证书编号、持证人姓名、证书颁发日期和有效期等。3、通过对比证书上的信息与自己查询到的...
How does PMP certification compare to other professional certifications in project management? The PMP Certification holds more value than any other PM certification. PMI sets high standards to qualify for this certification. They take into account a professional's experience, as well as their knowledg...
Certification: PMI PMP - Project Management Professional Certification OverviewPMP stands for Project Management Professional and PMI stands for the organisation that leads it – Project Management Institute. PMP certification is the key investment into your knowledge and professional life that will add ...
PMI PMP certification, more accent on exam common questions PMI PMP certification, more accent on existing training methods PMI PMP certification, more accent on preparation methods PMI PMP certification, more accent on required exams PMI PMP Certification: topics for exam ...
Therefore, it's crucial to verify the current exam details on PMI's official website before scheduling your PMP exam to ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information on the number of questions and the exam structure. How long does it take to get the PMP certification? The...
第一步:访问PMI官方网站 打开浏览器,输入PMI官方网站的网址:https://www.pmi.org/,这是查询PMP考试成绩的正规渠道。 第二步:登录账户 在网站首页的右上角,找到并点击“LOG IN”按钮,进入登录页面。输入你在PMI网站注册的用户名和密码,完成登录。 第三步:查找成绩查询选项 登录后,在页面上方找到“Certification”...