项目计划和控制 HPE&GDCC 课程目标 本课程让学员全面而系统的了解:−如何做好项目计划;−实用的项目估算理论及方法;−如何开展切实有效的项目风险管理;−项目跟踪的知识及要点;−如何把全面的质量管理引入项目管理中。还可以:−正确处理项目管理中的实际难题;−编写全面有效的项目计划;−使用课程中...
A: 在启动会议上提出产品愿景声明 Present the product vision statement at the kickoff meeting B: 将产品愿景声明显示为信息发射源 Display the product vision statement as an information radiator C: 将产品愿景声明邮件给所有项目相关方 Email the product vision statement to all project stakeholders D: 在...
通过正式的命令链 the following are objectives of the kickoff meeting except: A. Establishing working relationships and lies of communication B. Reviewing project plans C. Establishing individual and group responsibilities and accountabilities D. Discussing specific legal issues regarding the contract 下列...
Kickoff projects in a more collaborative, more visual way Structure dialogue to capture the project overview, project scope, project conditions and project approach Use it in planning your projects in a more visual and collaborative way for greater alignment, accountability, and more successful outcomes...