Get the best PMP exam prep experience with Rita Mulcahy's proven learning method, over 30 years of experience, and complete PMP exam prep materials.
作者: Rita Mulcahy 出版社: RMC Publications, Inc.副标题: Rita's Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam出版年: 2009-4-10页数: 544定价: USD 140.00装帧: Perfect PaperbackISBN: 9781932735185豆瓣评分 8.8 24人评价 5星 62.5% 4星 29.2% 3星 8.3% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% ...
作者:Rita Mulcahy 出版社:RMC Publications, Inc. 副标题:Rita's Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam 出版年:2005-08-08 页数:445 定价:USD 89.00 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781932735000 豆瓣评分 9.2 19人评价 5星 57.9% 4星 36.8% 3星
Rita Mulcahy’s book is the most famous book to study for PMP certification exam preparation. If you study this book, attempt all questions given in the exercise, and try a few more practice questions, you will be in a comfortable position to attempt the exam. ...
Preparatorio para o Exame de PMP (PMP Exam Prep, Fifth Edition - Official Portuguese Translation) (Portuguese Edition) 作者: Rita Mulcahy 出版社: RMC Publications, Inc.出版年: 2007-05-01定价: USD 149.00装帧: Perfect PaperbackISBN: 9781932735086...
[转载]我看Rita Mulcahy的《PMP" Exam Prep》(一) 最近学习PMBOK,准备考个PMP认证,有朋友推荐一本好书:《PMP" Exam Prep》,拿来一看,果然不错,我是个懒人,不会全部都看,只看一些精华部分。考虑到独乐乐不如众乐乐,所以拿出来分享,欢迎各界群众批评指正。
[转载]我看Rita Mulcahy的《PMP" Exam Prep》(二) 二、项目的初始阶段(Initiating) 1.Select a project from a list of possible projects 一般项目经理恐怕没享受过这个权力,而且如果有机会选项目,对于选择的标准,不同的仁在不同阶段的标准肯定不同。比如是选风险高的来证明自己,还是选利润大的来取得业绩,个人...
Mulcahy, RitaFirst, P M PManagement, R M C Project
作者:Rita Mulcahy出品人:页数:544译者:出版时间:2009-4-10价格:USD 140.00装帧:Perfect Paperbackisbn号码:9781932735185丛书系列:图书标签: PMP 项目管理 PMP考试 事业_项目管理 工作以来读过的书 PMI推荐 0 PMP Exam Prep, Sixth Edition 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
pmpexamritamulcahyprepmanagement PMP"ExamPrep AcceleratedLearning toPassPMPExam- OnYourFIRSTTry! RitaMulcahy,PMP TableofContents IntroductiontotheFifthEditionofPMPExamPrep Chapter1:ThePMPExam WhyTakethePMPExam? AreYouReadyforthePMPExam? HowtoUseThisBook OtherMaterialstoUsetoStudyforthePMPExam HowtoStudyfo...