The lowest-frequency polar phonon undergoes partial softening down to ~ 0.1 THz near Tc = 440 K in both ceramics, but the dielectric anomaly is caused predominantly by flipping and breathing of polar nanoclusters. Due to contribution of both the soft phonon mode and dielectric relaxations into ...
PMN-32%PT crystals possess a very high piezoelectric properties. The electromechanical coupling factor for the transverse extension mode is k32 > (0.84–0.91) [42–44]. The Curie temperature for the PMN-32%PT crystals is 90 ◦C [44]. It allows using them in majority of NDT applications...
Samples of four-component 0.98(xPbTiO3–yPbZrO3–zPbMg1/3Nb2/3O3)–0.02PbGeO3 solid solutions system (for brevity, hereinafter PbTiO3–PT, PbZrO3–PZ, PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3–PMN, and the whole system, PMN-PZT-PG) were the objects of this study. The Gibbs triangle with selected 1–5...
L6I0dTjpJQ7vM1zcSIZYDCkk8UBrRReyPQ7JoHAdwllThZNpmoseaa4Ln1I4dc911/nosR3kEdf0 0I45K/FiaamkYwF7wNwxfZwi4OAsOqGXS/AXUudUAYx9OD/EdNyyGq+yjN0SRyfWRJaSMKUAEF2J AiDHtLK8QNhxBJrmb5XwQtUbZpoPCLbDR9nbMvQOugVKWSup7D1Y3029dPB4InwKI84h24BN89JR RGekyCAZrHlUjDdTLy6ALnEQRUAII6hYgTdeUlqGq...